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Pathways to HEA Fellowship at Monash - Learning and Teaching Wisker, G. ed. I teach across all programmes in an area best summarised as information literacy most recently updated to be defined as The ability to think critically and make balanced judgements about any information we find and use. Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy is an indicator of professional and PFHEA (Principal Fellow of the Higher Education for example, within work-based. PDF What is HEA Fellowship - Warwick Both critical information literacy and information landscapes centre the importance of lived experiences and that our experiences of information are contextually influenced by our existing knowledges and practices, and in this light, lend themselves well to the constructivist approaches to teaching I employ [V1, V3]. At first, I was disappointed with the current lack of workshops in Australia, but I thought Id apply anyway. All the content in this portfolio was from when I worked at Southampton Solent University, and successfully became a Fellow of the HEA in May 2015. One activity written into the workshop asks the leaners to think about how they would present themselves online to prospective employer and incorporates elements of the Active Learning Theory. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. New Technologies and Disabled People,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. Throughout all the training I give Ill always request that my learners are able to demonstrate back to me that they understand what Ive covered. The objective was to give the lecturers and staff an opportunity to experience of what it was like to study as a student using the Flipped Model of course delivery, giving them an idea of how they can use myCourse themselves to facilitate this method of teaching. It IS helpful because it liberates me from a nagging doubt They are then invited to share their answers with those sat next to them, giving them the opportunity to fine-tune their responses with their neighbours feedback. PGCAP and Fellowship (FHEA) - University of Liverpool Swanson, T. (2006) Information Literacy, Personal Epistemology, and Knowledge Construction: Potential and Possibilities,College & Undergraduate Libraries, 13(3), pp. In this section, you should provide examples of work, in the form of case studies, to evidence your effectiveness in relation to your role. (2013) Short videos improve student learning in online education, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 28(5), pp. I did my PhD here and taught on different courses, ranging from 1st year to PhD students. Working alongside two senior members of the FBSE Business School, we were able to write a more focussed assignment brief that reflected what exactly the lecturers wanted to see that also aligned with the learning outcomes of the unit: To further support the lecturers and students I agreed to develop tasks to be drip-fed into the unit to help keep them on track, along with an example of what the myPortfolio page should look like and a template to copy: It is hoped that the students will now be more focussed on what is asked of them, rather than upload lots of documents thataren'treferred to in the 3000 wordreflection, thus reducing the time wasted by the lecturers opening every document hunting for their relevance. It empowers us as citizens to reach and express informed views and to engage fully with society (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, 2018). This case study draws upon Case Study 1 and 2 within the context of becoming a remote worker during the COVID-19 pandemic, to explore my approach to transforming the pedagogies outlined there into a remote, online environment. (2020) Introduction: Disability Studies in EducationCritical Conversations,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. In addition to my support, its my role to ensure that the SSU rules and regs with regards to assessments are met and that the technology does support the assessment. This is an example of how Mahara can be used to build a portfolio of evidence. Working with a disabled staff member who uses a screenreader, I have been re-developing referencing guidance through aspects of Universal Design, but critically applied so it re-centers disabled people in its focus without deficit thinking (Baglieri, 2020; Connor, 2020; Douglas and Santinele Martino, 2020). I have built an activity and short demonstration of the Flipped Classroom model using myCourse (http://mycourse.solent.ac.uk/flip). Tewell, E. (2015) A Decade of Critical Information Literacy: A Review of the Literature,Comminfolit, 9(1), pp. An example of this would be my work to support staff wanting to use the Mahara ePortfolio system that we call myPortfolio. To align this ILO with my teaching method, I employed a practical in-class activity where students analysed how racist news media language constructed riots differently, depending on whether they were undertaken by white or black US citizens (K2, K3). Powerful and Unique Sample Fellowship Personal Statement Being a UK-based organization, HEA currently has limited training opportunities in Australia. Invited speaker: JISC RSC South East eLearning Fair: Weaving Employability into the Curriculum, Invited speaker: Highbury College Higher Education Conference. The point at which I see the students in their learning journey is before any summative or formativeassessment, and usually the academics have no initial assessment of their referencing skills or knowledge. (LogOut/ Though engagement was good, assessment of the Collaborative Word documents became more generalised (to avoid giving individual feedback in a mass group setting which may not be appropriate) which is not ideal, but gives space for students to assess their own submissions against the generalised feedback. A particular focus that term was to move away from lecture or seminar formats which require me to stand and tell students about the mechanics of referencing for the duration, which has been the request from academics in previous years. Hello Olga With over 65 international members and over 127,000 HEA Fellows across the world, the HEA Fellowship . Prior to my current role I was an associate lecturer delivering BTEC National diplomas in Performing Arts and Sport and Exercise Science. Requirements for Fellowship Level What does your application need to demonstrate? St Albans: Critical Publishing. Please list any other relevant qualifications or awards you have obtained from formal professional development undertaken: I have completed Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education from the -------- University in August 2018. Here I share some tips and insights on how to tackle the tricky 'reflective' writing style needed for the application. > Criteria for Senior Fellowship of the HEA To be recognised as a senior fellow of the HEA, you must demonstrate that you meet Descriptor 3 (D3) of The UK Professional Standards Framework. Rather than conduct a more formal assessment, I devised a self-assessment which asked the students to rate themselves on a knowledge-confidence spectrum at the start of the class and then again at the end. You should complete this section against the relevant descriptor statements (D1-D3) in the UKPSF, making sure that you provide evidence against the relevant Dimensions of the Framework. These can be done in my own time and do not affect my job, are free and often open my mind to new ideas and ways of learning. As time went on, I noticed something interesting. Word count requirements Associate Fellow (D1) 400 words Fellow (D2) 1000 words Senior Fellow (D3) 2000 words. Based in the United Kingdom, Advance HE (formally known as HEA) champions excellence in teaching and learning within the tertiary education sector globally. Through my online networks I am able to keep up with my peers and stay up-to-date with the latest news and issues to do with my role, however sometimes its great to have more in depth conversations where detailed experiences can be shared. London: UCL Press, pp. (2019)Identifying and facilitating a community of practice in information literacy in higher education. Therefore I invite the lecturer to come and see me with their assessment brief, work out what processes and outcomes the students are expected to demonstrate, then work together to build up learning activities that utilise Mahara's many tools and functions. Goodley, D.et al. I am a great believer in the maxim Dont let the technological tail wag your pedagogical dog and will always consider what will be useful for the students to help them learn. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. The pedagogical rationale underpinning this activity is that the students were able to engage in active learning through the means of collaborative peer dialogue, wherein each station provided the scaffolding for students existing knowledge and understanding to be activated and reviewed (Robb, 2013) (K2, K3, V3). There are many definitions of CPD but to me its more about what can I do in order to do my job as best I can?, and the way I do this is to regularly look to peers and colleagues in other universities to see what theyre working on and evaluate the possibility of utilising the outcomes at SSU. During the workshop we asked the more experienced users to buddy up with those who were new to Twitter. (2020) Rebooting Inclusive Education? 24-43. creating a table with every single criterion in one column and specific examples PDF Guidance notes to support writing your application for Associate 414440. This was fine for the first year as I only had three units to support. Disabled students routinely experience difficulties with university structures, bureaucracy and systems which are not designed around them this includes pedagogy and support mechanisms (Blunkett, Mitchell and Norton, 2020) [V1, V2, V4]. For some time, I couldnt decide whether I liked the framework or found it too general in important (to me) areas. There are usually only between two and three participants in each, allowing for better support, however staff are able to book a one-to-one with me if they dont feel confident learning in a group. the HEA code Teche post. Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy | olem - From the past to Wenger, E. (2008) Communities of practice: learning, meaning, and identity. For example, one ILO from a lecture I gave on a qualitative research methods module was: analyse the way inwhich language constructs particular versions of reality (K1). Moving to teaching remotely in 2020, I worked with my team to emulate a team-based community of practice (Wenger, 2008; McCluskey-Dean, 2019) as a new area, team based idea generation and sharing became particularly important for creating space to co-evaluate our teaching practice and its effectiveness as a team [K5], comparing outcomes and critiquing each others teaching decisions [K6], particularly where these have disciplinary implications or explanations [K3]. In 2016 I gained fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. I find the newly hyped MOOCs are having such a huge impact on my career and my confidence in role. Sam has been working with us since 2008 firstly as an e-Learning Support Officer before becoming a Learning Technologist. (2019) Identifying and facilitating a community of practice in information literacy in higher education. it). Before beginning my teaching career I had obtained . A Theoretical and Hands-on Introduction to Foucauldian DiscourseAnalysis. In these videos I explain an aspect of academic writing, for example, thesis statements. This guidance and the template have been designed to help you structure your supporting statement to provide the I am a researcher and a trainer, and when Im working with a member of staff or delivering a session to students I always have a session plan and a couple of learning outcomes and objectives that I hope my learnerswould'veachieved by the end. Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) : Staff I am an avid user of social media and use my professional online network to stay connected with peers in similar positions in other universities to share knowledge, advice and to stay up-to-date with key trends and emerging technologies.