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Also, I wanted to add that it is mentioned that Alex had an accident with the snakes. I checked internet, your analysis is really cool and comprehensive. He always closes a case and he said he would find Keller, 2. His profession being the same as that of Jesus, and the movie opening with Kellers devout prayer, also creates the false sense that Keller will be the good in the film. [3] I've been taking it for four or five years. Why did Hollys husband brag/confess to him? Alex may have become too attached to Holly and the only home he had known for many years. In Latin, Dubris meant waters. Rather than the cast elevating in their own way. Or Fight Club deals with the mind and the opening credits occur while the camera travels through the main characters brain and out a poor of their forehead. How did the FBI agent know about the mazes?? Just some assumptions, like Kellers dad saw what happened to his co-worker and decided to become over protective of Keller. We know hes still traumatized by what happened but not that hes necessarily still in contact with Holly or does Hollys bidding. Hi Chris,what a great review. Its a silly, basic example but the opening of The Lion King is the rising sun. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Alex is perfectly able to taunt with a cryptic, They didnt start crying till I left. He can drive, he can play with the girls, learn and sing their song, has the wherewithal to take them back to be tortured and killed, but is too traumatized by his past to say anything else? Wouldnt keller have been caught red-handed? Alex reunited with parents??? Youd worry that hed maybe keep trying to do take kids. Is the father a sex offender himself? Holly Jones is the main antagonist of the 2013 thriller film Prisoners . Alex says In the maze, and Bob simply draws it. These factors lead me to believe that the two girls, especially Anna, are potential abusers-to-be, because of their limited speech, the abuse they suffered, and the nature of inevitable violence in the cyclical maze, where abuse encourages more abuse. There, Holly does what crazy-psycho-child-snatchers do. But I think most of what you said in Prisoners is within the realm of acceptable. Cheers, Bob Taylors house has mazes drawn on the walls. The highly anticipated conclusion to the Stolen Heir duology by #1 New York Times bestselling author Holly Black. But Im pretty sure she wasnt leaving the house much anymore and wouldnt like Alex going to see his old house. And a criminal to boot. Alex succumbs to Kellers torture and mentions a maze, so Keller goes to Hollys house to see if she will reveal something about a maze. I thought it was. The next thing I remember is the detectives discussing giving Holly notice about Alex. She forces him to drink a drugged liquid, causing him to feel faint. Weve talked a lot about prisons already, so this might be repetitious to you. His real parents are the prisoners. 26 Jan 2023 14:55:21 Her character is the embodiment of the spiritual crisis the Joneses hope to enact. Holly Jones 1992-2003 Holly was kidnapped while walking home from a friends house. Hes a red herring that creates doubt about Alex. It serves a meta-purpose to make us aware of how to watch/understand the movie. star wars hologram projector; how to interpret histogram with . Its always really nice to have that experience where you grow into appreciating a movie. They were scared enough to shut down and didnt move much/touch much until Alex dropped them off. Bob Taylor didnt have the opportunity. That whole torture subplot is like a twisted form of repentance. he was there he visited Hollys home before he realized she was the kidnapper he said he was there to apologize for scaring off Alex and he came in and they talked but he left when he saw the paper saying that Bob killer himself. Bridger is serving a full . A symbol that we can hear each other if we listen from inside. Detective Loki goes to see Alex's aunt, Holly Jones (Melissa Leo), who raised him with his uncle after his parents died when he was six. (Though it is mentioned it was a small accident, and that Alex was merely afraid of them.) I also think that Loki foreshadowing his abuse and imprisonment and the boys school that the father ran is another situation that contributes to the prisoners idea. Release Dates Anyway just brilliant write up. Alex and Keller will probably go to jail. And yes, I love the juxtaposition of David Lokis name. He clearly remembers something about his life before the abduction, otherwise he wouldnt park at his old house. Thats the only way he can communicate to Loki where the girls might be, what happened to him, etc. Obsessively drawing mazes on the walls because he cant stop reading an FBI agents book about the mysterious child abductor, known as the Invisible Man, who was never caught (and who was actually Holly and her husband). Ten-year-old Holly Jones disappears after walking her friend home in her Toronto neighbourhood. Ends up bringing them home. Chris, this was a fantastic analysis of a complex story, and dead on. He is not the all-knowing, all powerful saviour. Years of possible uncontrolled druggingwould lead to antisocial behavior. Were left with the question of, Does Loki save Keller or not? Maybe the most impressive thing to me about Prisoners is that almost everything that happens in the movie is a clue for Loki. I just think thats the moment when the movie is ready to end. So yea great movie that kind of blew the ending which I mean it doesnt mean much and maybe it isnt meant to be definitive. Kind of similar to the movie Zodiac. Midway through Prisoners were introduced to the concept of the maze. For some (many?) When Loki went around talking to the birches neighbours one was Alexs mom and she described how her son was also abducted one day when the van was parked outside her house. Mini Major Victory At Olympia '08 For Ellen Whitaker & Holly Jones. Let me know how the re-watch goes! His initial response is to dismiss it. Doesnt know what happened to him. To find an inmate, please enter the name OR the ID number, and then click the SEARCH button. Take revenge on God for killing her son by kidnapping other people's children (partially succeeded).Kill Loki and any other interfering witnesses (failed). But I can see that the parents were in so much shock that they wouldnt remember what the girls were wearing when they were taken. This causes him to go blind, and although he doesnt cause an earthquake like Loki in mythology, he almost crashes a few times as he speeds down the highway to save the little girl who is suffering from the poison. Franklin says and believes that he would do anything for his daughter, but ( like Peter in the Bible who acted cowardly when he thought he would act bravely at Christs crucifixion ) Franklin (who thinks he can play the trumpet, but cant) is not a killer. Which can work for some, but not for everyone. All as a best imitation of his abductors. As mentioned before, we have a character named Grace. Ill watch again with a fresh mind. Her back was turned to him. Keller had been at the house. Im glad it was helpful! I am very much amazed with the way you see things about the movie and the way you tell them.Just wanted to say thank you. When you realize one of the names has a deeper meaning, it leads to the question: Do the rest of the names have meaning? This brings us back to Grace and Loki and Dover and Birch, etc. Their pain turns to anger at God, as such tragedy must have been His will. Martin Luther No text message will ever replace the first kiss. Yeah, I had the same sense of spirituality. And I also found this thread by Chris by chance. But after testing the film with the ending it has now, everyone decided that was definitely the way to go. I assumed that it was Bob and he was referring to when he was captured by the police in the van at the rest stop. We know he was in the area, in the van. I thought that Alex and Bob were weirder than they needed to be, and in their bizarreness, not real, and therefore, not anyone that I could mourn for, though what theyd been through was terrible. Thanks again! Thats a great question! But, at this point, you know better than to think its coincidence, right? Everything is action, action, action. So he definitely has a cruel streak. But they probably dont sprint like that. Evil-doer Are they divine or circumstantial? What did you think about the performances? Theres one thing not mentioned that I cant shrug off. He had no criminal record, not even a parking ticket to his name. Door handle: Loki checks handles a couple times. I thought that Alex and Bob had kidnapped the girls and Bob had left Alex to take the fall. The rest are just kind ofdoing their part? Perhaps another theme of the movie is communication. Keeping the source of these character names in mind, if you re-watch Prisoners you definitely pick up on some thematic subtext involving religion. Cant wait to show this movie (and analysis) to my wife! Holly likely assumed that Joy had been able to provide enough information to reveal her location. Loki doesnt have a last name, but we know the meaning of his first name. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Theyre kind of like ghost characters, director Denis Villeneuve said of the recurring motif of trees in the film; as we said earlier, like silent witnesses to the various violent crimes in the movie. And Im pretty sure Holly Joness original kid was named Alex? On Friday, Briere was charged with abducting, murdering and dismembering 10-year-old Holly Jones (shown), some of whose body parts were found May 13 in two pieces of luggage in water in two . Why does a seasoned police officer with no unsolved cases stare at a suspect to the point of spooking him, or sit in a roadway blocking traffic until he draws attention himself? The question is will he put it all together and solve the puzzle? Have we been paying attention to all the clues that point to whether Loki will or wont find Keller? Lets go through the various types that show up. Fantino calls for "Software Developer" Data Bank. It put tape on my mouth. But in the moments before she speaks, we see Joys memory of escaping, the flashes of being in the house, on the ground, someone leaving the room, the book of mazes they had to complete, running away. And it seems he gets clothes to dress the mannequins. Really happy to hear that! They recognised them because Bob Taylor breaks into each of the girls houses and steals them. Hi Chris and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. Hey Craig! Be really hard to find. With the motifs in mind, we can finally get to what I think is the most interesting thing about Prisoners. Theres a version where he moves the car and sees Hugh down there, and so on. This is due to the detective leading the case, Detective Loki, finding what he believes to be evidence in Bob's house, finding blood-stained cloths, making it appear that he'd murdered the girls. Lets get some answers. I cant remember how much time passes in the movie. Theres the world within a book shes reading that was written by her ex (Jake Gyllenhaal, funny enough). Why didnt Loki look into it more? I think the film supports it by not having Bob Taylor or the girls talk either. Its really just Loki and Keller who keep their faith. So you could try and argue that it just means the girls didnt struggle. At one point her husband confessed his crimes to a local priest, out of a narcissistic boldness of feeling unable to get caught. If that is what youre thinking, high-five! I believe they say that Alex often drove the van and looked at his old house? But sometimes, by shear grace, all the good and bad complications of what people do and think come together to form a hope-filled outcome. Origin So, Loki had been investigating the house that the RV was parked in front of and he found out it was once the home of a couple whose son, Barry Coyler, went missing. Instead, it leaves a few context clues there for us to piece things together. And now he kind of re-creates this moment. So no coincidence! Mazes end up being a bigger deal than youd probably expect. But 5 years ago, he was missing. This is reinforced later by Joys struggles to explain what had happened to her, only able to look at Keller and say, You were there. With his English language debut, Villeneuve created a story layered with suspense, thrill, and excitement. This is purposefully meta, as midway through the film the motif of the maze is introduced. So when TD robbed the place, he didnt shoot Kendricks dad. He writes about complex movie endings, narrative construction, and how movies connect to the psychology of our day to day lives. He was the guy with boyish good. Alex just took the girls for a ride, and Holly decided to abduct them. Then you will see that what Im saying is absolutely true. After the police let Alex go, Keller kidnaps Alex. 127 South Second Street 919-989-5040 . This is Thesecret1070. Keller doesnt get the answer he seeks from all the torture HE did, but by Joys miraculous escape and him making the connection that she saw him at some point. But he was released in 1995 after serving less than three years of his sentence. Joy and Anna see the RV while on a walk with their siblings, Ralph and Eliza. Makes sense that he would have gotten this name from Holly and her husband. The implication being that Loki will be as thorough as before and discover Keller. Especially after they find him in the hole and see he was shot. A theme in the Star Wars universe is that good is associated with light and bad is associated with darkness. They are thinking about him, his lost life, and the lives of all the kids (two right down the street) that he devastated. When hes in police custody, the police demand to know where the abducted girls are and Taylor spends 3 hours drawing a maze to show them. It is frustrating that we dont get some more closure though. Why didnt the priest report him to the authorities at the time? We end with Loki either saving Keller or Keller dying underground. I would like to add to this point regarding the absence of speech in Alex and in the children recovered from their kidnappings. But its also a clue from the filmmaker to treat the movie as a maze. Alex Jones also refers to a maze. Holly and her husband could have found comfort in one anotherinstead their crusade ends up resulting in both of their deaths. Please also note the professors I have been working with at the end of this video. How do we have faith in the face of bad events? Because of that, Kendricks life turned out 1,000% different than it would have had he grown up without a dad. Even though you assume thats whats probably going to happen, I like that theres a small chance that hes not going to get him out of there for whatever reason.. Your movie analysis is very very great. He doesnt have the practical personality to do whatever it takes for a certain resultthats not bad, but in this situation, it makes things complicated. The fact that our two most faithful characters end the movie together, each trusting in their faith, is pretty beautiful. Just one question: how come the parents recognised their daughters clothes at the police station but didnt realise that they were not the ones the girls wore when they disappeared? Replace the fridge with the old car. Did Loki know she found her whistle? Or that hell never make a mistake. Instead, he draws a maze. Brilliant analysis. She feels God is anything but gracious. Back in the 80s, Holly Jones and her husband are devout Christians. The central story of Prisoners revolves around the investigation of two missing girls, Anna and Joy, led by Detective Loki. She has no problem with killing or torturing, even children as per her M.O., and seems to embrace this side of her. Ty Chris. Holly shoots Dover in the leg and imprisons him in a concealed pit in her yard, where he finds the police whistle belonging to his daughter. I dont think theres a definitive answer. Themes are developed through motifs. High intelligenceGunmanship We know its coming from Keller Dover, trapped underground. These snake-handlers believe that God will reward their faith by making them immune to snake venom And yet their son dies of cancer. Lokis fellow officer brought it up that the Invisible Man used an LSD/ketamine cocktail on the victims, as described by that book. Three years later, as he was serving a 23-year prison sentence at the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Jones failed to report for a prison check after working in a . Alex Jones is Paul Sandow's older brother; Crimes & Criminals; Canon-Typical Violence; Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault; Alex Is A Good Brother; Alex & Loki have an unlikely partnership; Slow Burn; Police lay murder charge in Holly Jones case. The discussion in the comments is also quite engaging. I mean, maybe I did in terms of Keller and Jesus lol. Like his sister, Jones has studied Chinese as well. confused just by this bit. The profound trauma capable of changing the intrinsic nature of a person, their beliefs, their language. In the scene in which Prisoners, directed by sci-fi movie master Denis Villeneuve, reveals that Holly was responsible for the kidnapping, it is also revealed that Taylor was a former victim of the Jones' that actually escaped, and Holly forgot he existed until he appeared in the news. my city inspector wasatch county; latch board of directors; most annoying sound in the world hippo; quebec flood zone map 2019; the villa restaurant bishops stortford menu; holly jones prisoners. The film has an ensemble cast including Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Maria Bello, Terrence Howard, Melissa Leo, and Paul Dano. As for Keller going to prison I mean we would need modern examples of this type of situation. Im sorry I just saw this. Its a solid theory. 17:11), 4. Same with Loki. In Norse mythology, Lokis a big deal. Holly had to tell him to write his full name. Welcome to the colossal explanation of Prisoners. I must say, I stumbled on to your site because of Prisoners but I really like what youre doing here as a whole! Joel Cox, the editor, felt very strongly about it. But if the kid WAS named Alex, I think Barry/Alex is saying that when he was a kid, the Joneses lured him to their house by asking if Barry wanted to play with their son. I guess the priest didnt report because it was a confession and he felt unable to tell authorities about it? Then the cinematography. The facility was expanded in 1996 and now includes 18 . No way you find 10 people to give a guilty verdict let alone one when US laws would allow the defense to basically go over every missing kid in the area for the past 20+ years. The Bob Taylor detail was one I didnt include in why response. Its full of images relating to Christian iconography and references. I assumed that it was Bob and he was referring to when he was captured by the police in the van at the rest stop. Or in the movie Black Swan, a theme is duality, so we often see the main character, Nina, reflected in mirrors or windows. And lastly, we get flashbacks to her time with Gyllenhaal that reading the book triggers. That kind of goes with the idea of an intricate maze, a labyrinth, where you get lost and wonder, and keep returning to the same spot, looping around and around, as you try and find an escape. Popular depiction has Loki as a trickster. Or in the movie Us, we have subterranean beings created by the government. The s**cide of Dover Sr definitely is the reason why Keller doesnt want to renovate his childhood home and adds another layer to that house where Alex is eventually imprisoned. Staring at suspect: Just because Loki has no unsolved cases doesnt mean everything he does is perfect. The captor is seen in one of the last scenes attempting to inject the child with a drug most likely heroin or morphine as Grace is seen frothing at the mouth as she is driven to the hospital by Loki. I must reiterate how spectacular this review was. You start the movie in a place of ignorance but end with a sense of superiority in understanding the who, what, when, how, and why. I just finished my second viewing, I saw it a long time ago. Especially Joys mother. I dont think I said that the Birchs house is Alexs old house. I am impressed by how you have dissected each and every detail down to the meaning of the characters names. Alex, nostalgic about his own childhood, tries to play with the girls in the RV. What happened? Compare that to Luke, when Luke finally becomes a Jedi, wearing a white outfit (and having more hopeful and exciting music). Its almost as though his body forces him tobut during the chase to save Annas life, Loki was driving blind. Everyone describes Alex as pretty internal and passive, but I wonder if (in his own traumatized and child-like way) he is trying to break out of the maze! Thanks, Justin! Thanks for the excellent analysis. I didnt think Maria Bello was good either. We then have Bob Taylor being obsessed with mazes and the FBI agents book detailing how the child abductor dubbed the Invisible Man had used mazes. Alex drives his RV to the house he had been abducted from in 1987, the home of his actual parents. We know Bob Taylor was abducted by Holly Jones and her husband. I think Loki didnt necessarily have the time since he was more concerned about the girls. Less than a week I believe. Location: 3794 Highway 468. Stick a piece over your mouth and see how ridiculously easy it is to open your mouth. He responds by shooting her in the head, killing the kidnapper for good. While I was watching the film in board day-light, I crotched my teddy bear with me, something I dont normally do as its that scary! The van is clean, but the forensic guy does say that if there was a struggle they would have found some fibers. Bob Taylor survived his abduction but cant move beyond the trauma of it. Thanks! Ive had that happen and few times and it sticks with you. Please direct any questions regarding the information obtained on this site to the DOC . Das Drehbuch schrieb Aaron Guzikowski. I guess its a glass of water situation. Holly eventually admits to Keller she cant really abduct kids without her husband so hasnt been as active. Holly Jones was abducted in her neighbourhood after walking a friend home from school. Like inNocturnal Animals we have three stories being told. 2.) The priest is a registered sex offender, but how should he stop a child killer? Theres Amy Adamss character going about her life in the present day. So while Grace may seem like a simple name, its not. I think they were just going to notify her that he was found. How do we have faith when bad things happen? Even with her husband gone, Holly doesn't stop and abducts Joy Birch and Anna Dover. I thought that was a major clue about the protagonist Keller Dover but at the end of the movie it seems to be a complete coincidence. The Joneses were unhinged serial killers. Holly could have been in the van. Thank you so much! TORONTO - Police in Toronto on Friday arrested a 35-year-old man and charged him in connection with the killing of 10-year-old Holly Jones. Pre-order Price Guarantee. Takes them both to work out the solution. Holly Deane-Johns, 51, was subjected to the awful living conditions while serving time at Lardyao Women's Correctional Institution. Regarding Christianity, we hear the Lords Prayer. Ill press one step furtherhow do we know Alexs old house is somewhere near the Birchs house? View the profiles of people named Holly Jones. Dover seemed like a portmanteau of dove (peace) and lover. Who was he waiting for? Holly Jones (Prisoners) Keller Dover; Please check the notes for additional warnings! While Lokis faith in following signs guides him right to the imprisoned Keller. Loki didnt find Keller torturing Alex. Not saying it isnt annoying. etc. Look Up An Inmate Jones County NC Jail. Tom Brokaw So, maybe after recalling what Annas mother said, he might be able to link that to the sound of the whistle at Hollys house and try to find Keller. Characters pray. Thats why Keller being a carpenter, just like Jesus was, cant be a coincidence, I think. Child abuseDruggingKidnappingMurderTorture It is the key that ties the entire movie together. It would add some nuance to Dovers backstory. Its just too confusing and I skipped some of the violent parts. What follows are the vital details of Prisonersstudied, analyzed, deconstructed, dissected, unraveled, and presented for your review. Occupation Prisoners (2013) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by Denis Villeneuve Writing Credits Aaron Guzikowski . Its almost like the style and story carry the movie and the cast is just kind of there. Its like the negotiating tactic of not saying anything. But the more you dig into Prisoners it eventually becomes clear as day that the entire movie is this layered exploration of various types of prisons: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Holly and her husband based their abductions off of the book. If the dogs came by at all. What is the connection between the snakes and girls clothes as well as the gaze in the boxes of the home of Taylor. Kindle. Blaming God for not saving him, they "waged a war with God" and sought to make others feel their pain. Thats really interesting. Which could explain why there are no fingerprints in the van. Kidnapping children. They move the car. Loki goes to the Jones's house to tell her that her nephew has been found. After being detained, Michael Briere, 35, was charged with her murder. She heads to where she is hiding Anna and plans to kill her and taunt Keller by throwing her dead body into the hole with him. But IMO the explanations for Taylors weird actions do not hold together upon close scrutiny. The first scene shows how Keller trains his son to kill. I dont know if dental records are in the system. Its too easy to say Oh, well, they were completely messed up because of their own abductions when they were kids! And as you said yourself the whole plot development depends a bit too much on the fact that neither Alex nor Taylor are willing to talk about their experiences. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. And it never really changed. I believe that Loki will find and rescue Keller because: 1. But keep up the good work! They accept what their instincts tell them and both end up playing the hero. I just finished watching the movie and was looking for an explanation, and this is just amazing, thank you for your analysis and thanks for all the comments, what an incredible movie. The girls would have died if Alex was home. Its less than a week? These are all clues Loki missed or were not brought up to him. In that time he created a body of work that changed popular music forever and influenced almost every great rock and roll artist to follow him. We expect psychos to have weird obsessions like mazes. The main story of Prisoners is the kidnapping of two young girls. That the book is a dramatic retelling of Adams cheating on then dumping Gyllenhaal and the pain he dealt with in the aftermath of her hurting him. Because Joy and Anna play on the RV, Alex keys in on them. Prisoners puts that concept onto how people struggle to work through and escape from their traumas. Under certain agreements and special circumstances, we . Theres tension as Loki hears the whistle but dismisses it, hears it again, but dismisses it again, before hearing it another time. How?