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Courtesy of SWALSC, kaya hellowanju welcomenidja/yimniny heredjurapin happynyininy/nyin sitNih/ni listenkaartdijin knowledge, learn, From the past, today, tomorrow and the future. respect to the traditional custodians of the land, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation and their Elders past and present. In 1833, Robert Lyon published articles on Noongar customs manners and dialects. The reason for this can be found in an early document from Governor Hutt. And it's the mixing of sweet water from the hills and salt water from the sea. Indulge in unique flavours and memorable dining experiences. Williams believes that if you live on Noongar country, you . And Im talking with my cousin now So one of these girls she told a teacher, reckoned that I was swearing at her, I was swearing. Yagan was born circa 1795 and died in July 1833. Noonak waangk, yoowarl koorl, birdiyar ngaala boodja noonook woorn noonak kooranyi kaalak. Nyoongar calendar. It wasnt swear words I was using. They will talk to you about the process and where appropriate supply with you approved names. The Noongar Language and Culture Centre was set up by concerned individuals and has now grown to include offices in Bunbury, Northam and Perth. The Acknowledgement Song was first written on Whadjuk Noongar country. 1.3% of the City identify as Noongar, Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander peoples. Research and content by Jason Barrow. And walk down. So it was really important. [viii] In this way, names, knowledge and the habitat of south-west plants and animals share an identity with, and are locally understood by Noongar people. To arrange a Welcome to Country in your area, contact our Regional Network office nearest you. An Acknowledgment of Country is a way of demonstrating awareness of and respect for Aboriginal protocols and for the Aboriginal people on whose land an occasion is being held. We pay our respects to them and their cultures; and to elders both past and present., Receive all news and announcements from WAAMH. You will find lots of language and see our beautiful . Each year the City celebrates such important dates like NAIDOC Week and National Reconciliation Week which celebrate the history, culture and achievements of our Whadjuk Noongar . It can be given by both non-Indigenous people and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. [xiv] Whitehurst, Rose (compiler). P.J. As someone who comes from a mixed background, Sharna has always been passionate about bringing people together and bringing Aboriginal culture into mainstream learning for the benefit of all Australians and visitors in this amazing place we call home, Boorloo (Perth). Describing many newly discovered, important, and fertile districts, with observations on the moral and physical condition of the Aboriginal Inhabitants &c. &c., T. and W. Boone, London, 1841. The City of Fremantle acknowledges that there is a wide diversity among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, including different cultural groups with . And, um, combine that with fish and there was lots to eat. Matter of fact I didnt learn to speak English properly until I was about seven. [ii] It differs slightly from Tindales in that Horton removed the boundary between Wudjari and Njunja on the south coast near Esperance and named the group Wudjari. Click here for more information on the Walyalup Aboriginal History. [viii] Beard, J.S., Chapman, A.R. their wisdom and advice in our teaching and cultural knowledge activities. In 1992 the first Noongar Dictionary produced by Noongar people was compiled and published by Rose Whitehurst for the Noongar Language and Cultural Centre. Conduct Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony before the NAIDOC Week assembly. They contain a word list of local Noongar people from the Victoria Plains. Ngaalak nyinya nyinyak, baalang ngiyan waarn wara ngaalang. Bridge (ed. You would have, uh, Point Walter. The wonna was fired for hardness and was used for digging, killing animals and fighting with other women. Whadjuk Biddi . We look forward to meeting you and sharing our knowledge and culture with you on a tour through Whadjuk Country. Cheers.Kym Rowe. Sit, listen and learn about Noongar language. In this way, Noongar language has been kept alive. The late Tom Bennell (Yelakitj), shared this story about moort (family) relationship names and how moort would have wangkiny (talked) with each other: Deman is the name for Grandmother and Dembart is the name for Grandfather. Noongar Protocols Welcome To Country Recognising our rights to country. So that's what our people did. Barry Winmar a Whadjuk Noongar man performed a traditional smoking ceremony for the long walk. Balap kaartdijin. Meeukang Warangka ba Kenniny means dancing and singing in the moonlight in the language of the Whadjuk Noongar people, so get ready . The Whadjuk Claim for Native Title was made in September 2006. And some of the men folk would cross the river there. Similar to a Welcome to Country, an Acknowledgement of Country is generally offered at the beginning of a meeting, speech or formal occasion.' ~ Reconciliation Australia. IMPORTANT: The following video has been compiled for educational purposes only. So it was burnt regularly about every year, as soon as the grass was dry, someone would light it up. . This contains an assemblage of the word lists gathered by Europeans in the early years of the colony, and described above, as well as work from Curr, Bates and Hassell. People going to ceremony would be going on business but when it wasnt ceremony time those people would still go and visit other areas and then when they would come for a visit they would bring with them gifts and exchange. Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre is unable to provide services or arrangements for Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country. Contact Nyungar Tours Phone: (+61) 477 442 515 Email: Website: Go Cultural Aboriginal Tours & Experiences Koolark means Home in the Noongar language. Welcome to Country & Acknowledgement of Country Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country are important Aboriginal ceremonies. 7. We acknowledge Noongar people as the original custodians of this land. There are several language groups that make up the Noongar, including the Whadjuk, who are the traditional owners of the land around Perth. The Dictionary also explains the sounds, spelling and pronunciation of Noongar words.[xiv]. Stay connected and be the first to hear about new experiences, events and special offers. ), Hesperian Press, Carlisle, 1992, cited in Vinnicombe, Patricia. We pay our respects to Noongar elders past and present, and acknowledge Whadjuk is the name of Traditional Owners of the Perth region including Fremantle. Bridge (ed. A key action included in the RAP is building respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures . A recorded audio Welcome to Country is available to all at the Koora-Yeye-Boordawan-Kalyakoorl (Past-Present-Future-Forever) sculpture at the end of the main jetty. We provide a wide range of services such as: Welcome to Noongar country. We pay our respects to Noongar elders past and present, and acknowledge their wisdom and advice in our teaching and cultural knowledge activities. Bring them home and then you sing to them. The story happened a long time ago and it is as follows: There was all the Nyungar or people who used to camp the Derbal or estuary [around Perth waters]. A Nyoongar Wordlist from the South West of Western Australia. Today, much has changed, and these protocols have been adapted to contemporary circumstances. Free daily Welcome to Country hosted by a Whadjuk Noongar Traditional Owner. Nguny djurapin, nguny koort djurapin wanganiny noonakoort. They might go to some of their other relations, they dont call them uncles they call them konk and their brother-in-law they call them ngoorldja. This name is also in use by Palawa people who are originally from Tasmania where Lowanna is the word for woman. She didnt have to tell me twice to get out. We at Murdoch University are proud to continue this long tradition. Not to the cemetery where they are buried but here because their spirits are in this water. (Source: Indigenous Tours WA Mooly is your nose, dwonk is your ear, marr is your hand and ngorrolick is your teeth I love going to Badgaling, we get gum from the trees, look for yonga (kangaroo) when I am in the bush I feel free.Bianca, 9 years old, interviewed February 2013, SWALSC, Manna gum collected from Ballardong booja. This is Noongar Country you are seeing. 6. Whadjuk [pronounced wod-JUK] Noongar Elder and ambassador Dr Noel Nannup talks about traditional Whadjuk ways of life and key cultural places in Perth, and he teaches us the Noongar words for some Perth suburbs (such as Nollamara). Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation Membership of SWALSC does not mean you are automatically a member of your regional corporation. [iii]George Fletcher Moore, A Descriptive Vocabulary of the Language in Common Use Amongst the Aborigines of Western Australia (London: Orr, 1842),,p.68, [iv] Bates, D. Aboriginal Perth: Bibbulmun Biographies and Legends. Ingrid Cumming - Custodian & Traditional Owner of Whadjuk Noongar Country Ingrid Cumming is a Whadjuk Balardong Noongar woman from Fremantle, Western Australia and recognised young leader within the First Nations community. Curtin acknowledges the Nyungar people as the traditional owners of the land on which Curtin Perth is sited and a Welcome to Country is performed at all major Curtin public events. A maam (man) calls his yok koorta. I/We wish to acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region., I/We would like to acknowledge that this meeting is being held on the traditional lands of the Noongar people. Whadjuk People is also the name of the registered Native Title claim 2011. And while I was in the school, see I talked a hell of a lot of Aboriginal talk. You are invited to a free Welcome to Country hosted by a Whadjuk Noongar Traditional Owner. Boola Katitjin is located on the traditional lands of the Whadjuk Noongar People. Maaman maar barang ngaalang, Noonak waangk birdiyar. You can also show respect through an Acknowledgement of Country: We acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation as the traditional custodians of this country and its waters and that Murdoch University stands on Noongar country. An early colonial also observed and recorded our Noongar tradition: I have reason to believe that their [Nyungar] history and geography are handed down from generation to generation orally. Robert Menli Lyon, 1833. Journal of Biogeography 27: 1257-1268. Our program focuses on preserving the karlup (home or heart country) and the traditional knowledge of Noongar people. L. and W. Boone, London, 1840, [xii] Grey, G. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, During the years 1837, 38 and 39, under the authority of Her Majestys Government. The word Noongar means a person of the south-west of Western Australia, or the name for the original inhabitants of the south-west of Western Australia. Click here for more information on the Walyalup Aboriginal History. Ngany kurt, ngany karla our heart, our home. In a dispatch of British Parliamentary papers from Western Australia in 1840, Hutt wrote it is only an act of fair justice to the first inhabitants or discoverers of any spot, to retain the name that they may have conferred upon it.[vi]. I used to listen to those stories and I remember [grandmother Yurleen Garlett] telling one of her nephews a story that happened there. We acknowledge our Ancestors and Elders from long ago until today. 9. Ngany moort koorliny noonook. That was, like, along the river. Whadjuk means \"The guardians of the link between the land and the sea\", this link being the Swan River. Learn about the rich history and culture the island holds. Whadjuk Elders & Speakers Welcome to Country List keyboard_arrow_right. Our Acknowledgement of Country was developed in consultation with Reconciliation Australia, a non government organisation that promotes and facilitates respect, trust and positive relationships between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Nyoondool wart boola waangkiny wer djinang ngaalang kwobidak boodjar. Thats why this place important. Written by Lorina February 2, 2023 Print Australian Human Rights Commission An Acknowledgment of the Country is a way of showing respect for the Traditional Owners and can be given by both non-Indigenous people and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are connected to another place. A child is called a nop. Much of the biodiversity in Noongar country is not found anywhere else in the world. I say dembart yaarl koorl Grandfather come here or deman yaarl koorl Grandmother come here. What else have we got? All contents copyright Rottnest Island Authority. And we come to this place here today to show respect to him plus also to meet our people because when they pass away this is where we come to talk to them. So trade in Nyungar country is very very old, thousands of years old.Dr Richard Walley in van den Berg, Collard, Harben and Byrne, Nyungar Tourism in the South West of Western Australia, Murdoch University, 2005. Hey, Im super keen to learn to speak more fluent language, and my girl always asking me what the noongar word for this n that are. And I looked at her, you know, she said, You, you! Using published resources available between 1988-1994 this map attempts to represent all the language or tribal or nation groups of the Indigenous people of Australia. . Last updated: 5 December 2022 19 min read Author: Jens Korff Close this Wishing you knew more about Aboriginal culture? Two Noongar language groups, the Whadjuk and Yued people, lived and shared cultural areas in the northern parts of the City of Wanneroo for traditions and customs. A Welcome to Country ceremony is performed by a recognised elder of a clan that has ancestral links to the land. Welcome to Country enables the Darug to give their blessing for the event and is an important mark of respect for local traditional owners. So whenever we come back now my cousin died the other day so we come back here, bring his spirit home because this is where he belong here. (Yagans biography). [xiii] Salvado, Dom Rosendo Memorie Storiche dellAustralia. Early attempts to develop Noongar word lists were done by explorers and colonists like Flinders, King, and Nind at Albany. Dive in and explore the wonders of this true aquatic playground. Mandurah Bridge - on the wall at the western end of the bridge's footpath is a welcome to country written in Noongar dialect. Early explorers had no English names for many of the species that occur in the south-west of WA. Kiya Wangoo Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar Hello and Welcome to Whadjuk Noongar Country. Explores the Islands significance to Noongar people beginning with a traditional Aboriginal sand ritual, a smoking ceremony on the beach, Dreamtime stories, traditional songs and Noongar language. The territory of the Noongar people was the triangle of Western Australia's southwest extending from the Geraldton district south to Cape Leeuwin, continuing southeast almost to Esperance and . The approximate size of the Whadjuk region is 5,580 km. Noongar people may refer to Kings Park as Karra katta or the hill of the spiders or Geenunginy Bo, the place for looking a long way. [iii] Daisy Bates records that Goonininup or Crawley Bay was a key camping place on a major trade route used by Nyungar travelling from other areas to Perth in order to trade for the highly demanded wilgi (red ochre).[iv]. Thank you for the opportunity and inviting me here this evening to share with you my story and 'Welcome to Country'. There are several language groups that make up the Noongar, including the Whadjuk, who are the traditional owners of the land around Perth. Western Australian Museum, Perth, 1992, [xvi] Kevin Fitzgerald, oral history, South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, 2006, Copyright South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council 2023, Nyoongar language from the south west region of Western Australia, Come on a journey through the colonial history of Perth. Traditional Owner: A person recognised as a member of a dialect group whose lands lie within the region; that is, they are accepted by the community as belonging to one of the relevant families, primarily though socially validated genealogical connections.