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We all have people in our lives who make us feel special, appreciated, and respected. But worse, my friend thanked them. Image used under license from Shutterstock, research suggesting that parents saying "I'm proud of you", protective role in a their child's mental health, Should Children And Parents Be Friends? but you do play a role in their success! My boyfriends ex, posted a im so proud of you on a photo he posted: something he achieved. So, lets get started! I also told her I had a great time & that she picks up my spirits. If that's the case, I suggest a change of phrase. How Do I Respond To "I'm proud of you"? She only ever said it once but it has stuck with me forever: He's proud of you. Lets look at some examples (followed by some suggested alternatives) adult first, then child, to help illustrate this point: Manager: "Im proud of the report youve written". William, however, was too proud and too obstinate to lend himself to such a course. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. This can help to create stronger relationships and can help to create a positive and constructive environment. 14. . 2. This expression is much more self-focused, i.e. #8: They say you need to change. Achieving your goals will help you stay motivated, inspire you to set and achieve more, and increase confidence. Wondering where that may be coming from. 48 Ways to Say 'I'm So Proud of You & What You've Done' I dislike the phrase entirely, regardless of how we are involved in the individuals life: parent, teacher, mentor, etc. He may understand you have daddy issues and need a masculine pat on the back. In these instances, simply saying "Wow" (and meaning it) will let them know you're proud. Someone has just gone out of their way to say something nice to you. I am here for the same reason. "How long have you been sober?". Narcissism can be a personality trait and a mental health disorder, and someone can have narcissistic tendencies without being labeled a "narcissist." When you live with narcissistic. When you respond to Im proud of you with gratitude, youre also taking advantage of the power of positive reinforcement. How come you didnt come to watch this match? Interesting perspective. In the South, people are proud of you if they know you. Proverbs 29:23 A person's pride will humble him, but a humble spirit will gain honor. I was talking about this statement Im Proud of you to a friend.I was annoyed about someone saying they were proud of me who barley knows me. And thats enough for me. Might as well as them to stop saying yall or bless her heart.. 10 Ways to Let Your Husband Know You're Proud of Him "I know you have a lot going on . Do you really think this had a lot of positive impact on many children? Proud Boys celebrate after Trump's debate callout - NBC News But I believe that spouses say it, and siblings. For going back to work when Im still hardly sleeping, due to having an 8 week old at home? And Im so ashamed of you. If you're a friend, it's friendly. This is a very interesting discussion for me. For what? An FBI witness says that members of the far-right Proud Boys had hoped to assassinate Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi during last week's violent storming of the U.S . It's a pretty good deal. I think the internet and social media have eaten her brain that she would not only allow their @#[emailprotected] clueless comment to remain public, but that she thanked them? The important piece is if they are genuine in their caring (and have been consistent, contrary to the parent that was never there but then feels pride). Thank you, mom and dad, youre the reason for this. Maybe instead of telling me hes proud of me, like its such a surprise, maybe he should have just offered to do the dishes. We laughed a lot and re-lived some old memories. "), Parent: "Im proud that you got all As in your school report/won that tennis trophy", How might you feel as the child? Someone elses pride in you does not usually translate to pride in yourself. Hearing those words can make us feel seen, understood, and appreciated.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,90],'howdoirespondto_com-box-4','ezslot_3',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howdoirespondto_com-box-4-0'); Its important to remember that the power of words goes both ways. Thanks. I have deep concerns if children crave to hear "I'm proud of you" because they want to know that their parents approve of them - of their behaviour, of their decisions in life. The child has done well enough for the parent to bring out the big guns the proud word. February 18, 2023 There are people who interpret life as if it were all about a fight of egos. "), Friend: "I'm proud of you for being brave and standing up to your boss", As the friend who has found that courage, is this statement something you would appreciate? "Be proud of your scars. Let them know how much better you feel now that you're smokefree. This is when his feelings go deeper than the surface, and he genuinely cares about you as a person. I know Im a couple of years behind, but was thinking about it this morning. But the Bible warns us against a self-centered, egotistical pride that says, "Look at me; look at . Initially this sit didnt sit well with me. But arguing about what words mean is pointless- meanings vary. Imperfect, striving, playful, loving, learning. Ive been lurching between How can you be proud of someone elses children? but then challenging that with But then as we do both have a close relationship with her we probably have had some influence on how shes turning out . We are probably trying to encourage our children, and even instil in them a sense of pride in their own achievements. Refresher workshop for P.E.T. As your friend I want you to know that there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. Then there's emotional attraction. 1. Had I ever thought about the meaning behind these words? Simply thanking them or hugging them is an immediate reaction to it. Lovers often feel proud when they see their beloved in action. Why are you taking the credit for my effort? (I'd prefer "Congratulations! If you want to reply saying you're proud of the person saying he's proud of you, the only correct answer out of those four is "I'm proud of you too". Saying, Im proud of you, is a great word and its an expression from the heart. So - when a parent says, "Im so proud of you", is the parent taking the credit for the childs accomplishments? That is why a long-term mentor can also feel pride. Who put in the practice in order to win that tennis match? Im so glad to hear that. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? I was actually kicked out of my house at 16 by her and her new husband and had financial trouble during my years in school that she had contributed to, how in the hell can she be proud of me when all she did was hinder me? 'A Total Failure': The Proud Boys Now Mock Trump I am livid because a couple of arrogant, condescending people who had been known briefly, posted, We are so proud and impressed, on a stinking FB page, I do not use FB, etc. I also have to let go of holding it against him, because I presume it was a well-meaning gaffeinstead of saying how happy he is for me, as hes never been belittling before. Now, of course, its diminished if the person throws the phrase around too casually to colleagues, all family members, etc., but if they are a genuine and caring person, then I believe it shows a deeper connection. Please contact info@parentskills.com.au for further information. that he harrassed them or . You have overcome something you may not had confidence in yourself to succeed. But, when you want to make your responses more effective and special, these are some good ways to do it. You could also feel patronised. . That makes you a living miracle. Set realistic goals. Thank you all, too. And they both say that you're over and done with me. They have everything to do with your strength, and what you've endured. But who are you to affirm? That proud phrase didnt bother me at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I began to wonder, what does she mean when she says shes proud of me? Probably no big deal but would be interested in input from others especially other females. I think you deserve the credit for this all. "Nothing is ever wrong. Living with a parents disapproval, or continually seeking a parents approval, is a life-long burden. Dear! We love all of our readers and we want to you to know how much youre appreciated! If this is the case, then of whom is the parent really proud? I live about 200 miles from the old college & she lives in the same town as the college is located. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. We had a really nice time. The Four Words That Can Protect Your Child's Mental Health, Parenting Behaviours Linked to Suicide Amongst Adolescents, How to let your children know you are proud of them (Very Well Family), First published 28th August, 2014. There are some super special and engaging responses you can give when someone very close to you, says that theyre proud of you. I, too, rightly believe that I had little to do with my offspring making his way in life in a manner that is worthy, but as parent, conveying I am proud of you, has distinctive and important meaning. Is it wrong to be proud of your accomplishments? (I'd prefer "I'm really impressed with report - I can see how much effort you put in, and it's going to be helpful for the organisation". Thanks to you, as well for being such a caring and supportive partner. Here are some tips on how to respond to Im proud of you: Following these tips will help to ensure that you are responding to Im proud of you in a meaningful way. Updated: Dec. 11, 2020. Be proud that you are here. Whatever you did today was the way it was meant to be. I have a little brother who is rather insecure and jealous of me, a very controlling person that thinks having a relationship with each other means that I put up with him trying to make me feel less than in the power scheme, which is precisely why I totally avoid him My YOUNGER brother about my creative talents has to say..I am extremely proud of you..for a bit, this has thrown me off, and I was not able to quite articulate how this really got under my skin, why I did a search on the phrase and have been thinking about itand yeah, it does seem a major insult when an emotionally uncool person whose relationship with you should be on equal terms has to act like a parent, always making a show of being the bigger man saying boy, I am so proud of you. 16. The Next Giant Leap. Last week, I went back to my college homecoming without my wife. Responding to Im proud of you with gratitude can help to boost your confidence and can help you to overcome self-doubt. 10 Ways To Say "I'm Proud Of You" To Someone Who Deserves It - Grammarhow It reaffirms the choice you made is good and right, nothing more. They seem to make him quite happy. Praise does not help bring up children who have an internal belief in themselves, of self-worth. Prior to going back, I asked if shed be going to the homecoming tailgate and football game. 1. "I'm proud of you" is often associated with mentor-mentee relationships, something that a teacher or parent might say. Glad that I keep our family tradition alive. Thank you so much for this great compliment. The Psychology of Bragging. I was an ambitious student with a goal to attend university, which my father completely supported. Take the compliment, give her a big hug and a kiss and tell her "I'm proud of myself as well" and "Thank you". From that day on, I felt like I couldnt really trust him, and now I know why. It's important to remember that the power of words goes both ways. 27. Connect, Converse and Communicate Better. I dont think that without your support I can make it. 2. A good friend of mine, who has had a tough life, has just written and published her first book. Similarly, if someone tries to imply a mentor relationship by telling you, Im proud of you, its like a bad parent trying to claim the rights and status of a good one. 15. (Of course, there are always people who try to suck up to youbut hopefully you can see through it!) document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All Rights Reserved. About 5 years ago, an ex college girlfriend and I began emailing each other occasionally (not often just once every 2-3 months or so). This mindset will help you achieve your goals, too. When someone says Im proud of you, first of all thanking them is the common response we usually have. Friend: "At least you have a job or daughter.". You worked so hard, you really deserve that job! With teens and adults, saying "I'm proud of you" is a bit different. . In other words, I care so much about the other person, that their accomplishment can evoke pride in ME. I now understand that its because I dont feel superiority over anyone, and Im perfectly happy with that . It can also help to show appreciation to others and can help to create stronger relationships. My mother said it to me when I graduated from college and I will never forget it. Rather than the child feeling respected for their efforts, they may feel patronised, put-down. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It can be difficult to respond to Im proud of you if youre struggling with self-doubt. If you had a hand in that success then I think it is ok to say, I am so proud of you as it does imply that the speaker played a part. In what context? 2. 1. Without you, I couldnt do it. 2. 1 y. A hug or a gentle touch of the hand can even get this message across. One man said, "I am so proud of my partner when we are at receptions together; many men are around her wishing to make love to her . the person who says that is actually talking about themselves, not about me, and by saying that is drawing the recognition away from me towards themselves. TOP 25 PROUD OF YOU QUOTES (of 108) | A-Z Quotes Those of us who were brought up around this attitude are understandably wary of the phrase, and likely to avoid it. Your thoughts and ideas are so creative, which has allowed you to refine your talent into something unique from others. 14. Show your appreciation for their words and use your response to create a positive and constructive environment.