blue, glow, 69, Isaac increases in size, gets a lion's mane and now has the ability to crush rocks by walking over them, Crushed rocks and poop can fill holes if you walk in their direction, Allows you to crush Red Poops and sometimes not take damage. Works in shops and devil deals as well, allowing you to take them for no cost. For everything it increases by 1 coin * the number of purchases, The max price of an item is always 99c with this item, Works with Keeper's Box and the Member Card extra shop, Most spider enemies no longer target or deal contact damage to Isaac, This is very similar to a Skatole for spiders instead of flies, Continuously firing or charging tears for 3 seconds causes Isaac to fart and drop a Butt Bomb, Only 1 Butt Bomb can be dropped per charge, so you'll need to stop firing then start again to drop another one, Butt Bombs explode for 50 damage like normal bombs, but also deal 10 damage to all enemies in the room and daze them for a short period of time, *, yfront, y-front, underpants, underwear, white, grey, gray, no 2, number two, number 2, no two, Transforms Isaac's tears into a wide arc shape which doubles their size and hitbox, *, flat, white, grey, gray, blue, drip, water, eyes, This item turns all doors that require a key into doors which need a coin to enter instead, This affects shops, item rooms, libraries, double locked doors, key blocks, chests and other key doors, Changes the appearance of doors and objects that this item works on to show a coin slot instead of a keyhole, Item Pool: Shop, Greed Mode Item Room, Greed Mode Shop, *, grey, gray, metal, slot, rectangle, silver, Gives you a random item at the start of your next run (You need to start a fresh run to receive the item), Important progression items such as Key Pieces or the Mom's Shovel pieces cannot be given by Eden's Blessing, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Blue Womb (Hush) with Eden, When used, can be thrown at enemies to capture them (similar to a Pok Ball), After capturing an enemy, the next use of the Friendly Ball will re-spawn the same enemy as a friendly companion which will attack other enemies, The companion will persist between rooms and floors until it dies by taking enough damage, Walking over the thrown ball after capturing an enemy will immediately recharge it, *, pokemon, grey, gray, blue, deathstar, circle, When used, will detonate any tears currently on the screen and cause each one to split into 6 more tears which will fire in a circle, similar to Tammy's Head, Luck-based items such as Holy Light are applied to each tear individually, Gives Isaac a familiar Gurdy that will charge around the room dealing contact damage to enemies, The Gurdy is charged by holding down the fire button and letting go. Abel, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Isaac, ?? Recharge Time: 6 rooms. The priority list of what will drop from champion enemies in order is as follows: Soul Hearts - When you have no red heart containers and less than 2 soul hearts, Red Hearts (Full hearts) - While at 0.5 red hearts, Red Hearts (Full hearts) - When you have at least half a red heart container empty, Trinkets - If you have no trinkets and there are no trinkets on the ground in the room, Soul Hearts - When you have less than 6 total heart containers of any kind, If none of the above conditions are true, champions will resume dropping their regular pickups, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Greedier mode with Maggy, Allows you to fire tears diagonally by holding down two of the fire buttons at once, If you are using a gamepad, this item allows you to fire in any direction, The first enemy you kill in each new room will now explode and poison all nearby enemies, causing them to take periodic damage until they also die and explode, If you have lots of enemies near each other this can cause a chain reaction, killing lots of enemies in one go, Gives Isaac a finger which floats infront of him and points in the same direction he is facing or firing. It returns after a room has been cleared, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Greed Mode with Eden, Item Pool: Item Room, Secret Room, Greed Mode Shop, *, red, yellow, green, white, square, rectangle, When used, the D8 rerolls all of your stats, Will only effect your damage, tears, range and speed stats, Each stat is given a multiplier that applies after all other adjustments, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Challenge #28 (Pride Day), * dice, pip, die, black, grey, gray, pyramid, triangle, Purity will boost one of Isaac's stats depending on the colour of the aura around him, When you take damage, the aura will be removed and replaced with another random one when you enter the next room, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Blue Womb (Hush) with Maggy, Item Pool: Item Room, Angel Room, Greed Mode Item Room, Greed Mode Angel Room, Adds a chance for a black ring to spawn around killed enemies, dealing damage to others that touch it, The ring damage scales with your tear damage, The change for a ring to spawn scales with your lucky stat, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Blue Womb (Hush) with Eve, Item Pool: Devil Room, Curse Room, Greed Mode Devil Room, *, grey, gray, silver, metal grabber, hand, robot, When Isaac has no red hearts, this item gives Isaac the ability to fly. 531. red, bolt, cupid arrow, cupids arrow, When used, fires a high damage laser in a straight line across the room in a similar way to Brimstone, The laser deals damage equal to double your tear damage. * item room, treasure room, item room pool, white, purple, Gives Isaac the ability to fly and spectral tears, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, red, crescent, moon, drop, black, Creates 5 beams of light from the sky that deal damage equal to your tear damage + 20 to any enemies which come into contact with them, The beams have a high chance to spawn on top of enemies where possible, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, feather, white, arrow, Upon death, you respawn in the previous room as Blue Baby with three Soul hearts, This is a one time use item and all new heart containers will be soul hearts, Can be used to unlock some of Blue Baby's secrets before having the character available, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, black, grey, gray, extra life, egypt, grey, gray, Upon taking damage, you have a 20% chance to gain an invulnerability shield for 7 seconds, The chance to gain a shield is affected by your luck stat and at +27 Luck it will activate every time, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Chest with Maggy, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, You can pick which dice you want to use. red, pink, broken, Better chance to win while gambling at the Shell Game and Fortune Telling Machine, Higher chance to get a random drop after clearing a room, REPENTANCE - Lucky Foot now guarantees positive pill effects, * normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, starting, pink, white, yellow, A target is placed on the floor which can be controlled. paper, roll, white, All of Isaac's bombs now having a homing effect when placed on the floor, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, item room, treasure room, item room pool, bomb beggar, dead, Boosts speed, range, shot speed, tears and damage if they are above their base values by roughly +20%, Affects stat bonuses from passive items, trinkets that are absorbed or in a second trinket slot, and permanent bonuses given by items such as Void, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by getting a 5-win streak in daily challenges (must have a score of above 0 on the score screen), While held, gives the Skatole effect only in certain rooms, which will turn hostile flies to neutral and stop others from shooting, Attack, Dart and Ring Flies turn into neutral Black Flies and Pooters and Fat Flies will no longer fire at you, Items and trinkets which generate blue flies and spiders will have double the effect, causing twice as many to spawn, *, grey, gray, green, arrow, flower, plant, Some tears will randomly become a black tooth, that deal double your normal tear damage and can poison enemies, Tears become spectral and travel in a huge spiral pattern, Every time you take damage you have a very small chance to gain a Tonsil familiar, which follows you and blocks enemy projectiles, This effect can happen twice before the Tonsil trinket is destroyed, Your tears have a random chance to become booger tears, Booger tears stick on to enemies and deal periodic poison damage until they die or 60 seconds passes. Re-rolled items pick from the current room's item pool, Isaac starts with this item after it is unlocked, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating the Isaac boss with Blue Baby, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, dice pip, starting, pink, red, cube, Bombs now do 185 damage (up from 100) and have a larger blast radius, Has a chance to drop from the Super Wrath miniboss fight, REPENTANCE - Mr. Mega bombs buffed from 110 to 185 each, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by destroying 10 tinted rocks, Item Pool: Item Room, Bomb Beggar, Super Wrath Miniboss, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, dungeon room, blood challenge room, arena pool, slackaholicus, grey, gray, face, Cuts Isaac's head from his body for the current room, allowing him to fly and leaving the decapitated body to run around attacking enemies for 5.5 damage per tick, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, scissors, cutters, snip, scissors, silver, grey, gray, All damage taken is reduced to half a heart, Damaged reduction is reduced from every source in the game except Devil Deals and health down pills, Does not prevent death (i.e. This will deviate you from the alt path if you are currently on it, Since this item resets your stats, this item can remove Broken Hearts, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Greedier Mode as Jacob & Esau, Upon use, allows you to consume 1 key and fire it at an enemy, piercing enemies and dealing significant damage, The damage done by the key projectile pierces through enemies and scales with your damage upgrades (x5 damage + 30), Keys fired by this item can open locked doors/chests, secret rooms and destroy objects in the room, such as rocks, Cannot be used if you don't have any keys, Enemies killed by Sharp Key have a ~10% chance to spawn random items that appear in a chests. ), UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Mother as Tainted Isaac, Causes Item rooms and Shops to appear in the Cathedral, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Isaac, ?? Each use also gives +0.5 Black Hearts, however this is stays between rooms unlike the other effects, Allows Isaac to deal 40 contact damage to enemies for the current room. 20 days ago. When used, replaces all pedestal items in the current room with another random item. There's Options, Double item room, Boss Rush) the Moving Box will pick only one of the items at random, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #2 and based on the Steam Workshop mod created by HurleyFarrill, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by using Pandora's Box in the Dark Room floor, Your tears will now be connected together by beams of electricity which deals damage to enemies they hit, The lasers from this item deal 30% of your current damage stat, REPENTANCE - Technology Zero's lasers now deal 30% of the player's damage stat per tick (from 100%), UNLOCK: Unlock this item by having 2 technology items at once, *, black, white, grey, gray, round, circle, eye, key, hole, coin, slot, laser, Taking damage will spawn an orbital that rotates around Isaac, dealing contact damage to enemies and blocking enemy projectiles, A maximum of 3 Leprocy orbitals can be active at one time, Using the orbital to deal damage to enemies can cause it to break, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #2. arrow, Causes your friendly blue spiders and flies to become bigger and do x2 more damage, Allows Mom's Wig to spawn a maximum of 10 spiders at once instead of 5, Fly and spider familiars become stronger similar to BFFS, * shop room pool, shop item pool, blue, fat, Two items now spawn after beating a boss fight and the boss rush, however only one can be taken, The additional item will pick from the Boss Item Pool, Unlocked by donating to the donation machine in the shop, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by donating 50 pennies to the Shop, * shop room pool, shop item pool, white, question mark, square, theres options, * shop room pool, shop item pool, purple, paper, ticket, Isaac can now hold 2 cards or runes at once. Counts as 1 of 3 familiar items needed towards the Conjoined transformation. ), *, money, silver, grey, gray, steam, smoke, cent, Everytime you pick up a coin, you have a 25% chance to spawn a key, *, white, grey, gray, coin, cent, money, cash, When picking up a coin, you have a chance to automatically gain one more coin, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by playing the shell game in the arcade 100 times, *, yellow, golden, coin, cent, money, cash, sparkle, When you enter a boss room, immediately remove 15% health from the boss and restore 1 red heart, This trinket cannot be dropped by holding the drop key or picking up other trinkets. from Fireplaces, Gives you a familiar which is a smaller version of the Plum boss, which sprays tears and propels itself around the room, Deals 2 contact damage per tick to enemies, and the tears deal 3 damage each, Deals contact damage to any enemies it runs into, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Baby Plum 10 times, When used, this item calls a friendly version of the Plum boss to fight for you for 10 seconds, It will jump to the nearest enemy, slam on the ground and fire tears around it, then propel itself around the room, dealing contact damage to any enemies it touches before disappearing, It's possible to get a guaranteed spawn of this item by encountering the Baby Plum boss and not damaging her. REPENTANCE - The Lost's Holy Mantle can no longer be re-rolled using an item like D4. This includes all sources of damage, including environmental damage to enemies, Killing an enemy while berserk will increase the duration of the effect by 1 second, You don't die while in Berserk mode, but taking lethal damage will kill you after the effect wears off, The bone sword from this item is similar to Donkey Jawbone from Antibirth, Tainted Samson starts with a passive version of this item, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Samson, Recharge time: Enemy damage taken = charge, When used, Isaac turns into a ghost for 1 second and his speed goes up to maximum (2.0). the eternal hearts that drop in angel themed super secret rooms, All heart drops from Ace of Hearts will be Black Hearts, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Azazel, *, black, devil, pointy, daemons tail, demons tail, demon tail, Dying in a sacrifice room while holding this trinket will unlock The Lost character, After The Lost is unlocked, dying anywhere with this trinket will bring you back to life as The Lost and the trinket will be deleted, When playing as Tainted Lost, you don't swap to being regular Lost, it simply acts as an extra life, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Dark Room with Isaac, Everytime you pick up a coin, you fart, inflicting poison damage to nearby enemies, Greatly increases the chance of coins dropping from poops, Tears now move forwards at right angles, shifting left and right across the room, Increases your range stat by +10.0 while held but due to the fire pattern, your tears travel a similar distance to normal, Your tears now whip across the room at a very high shot speed, Shot speed gives your tears more effective range, but doesn't increase your range stat directly, Has a 22.22% chance to respawn with 3 Soul hearts as Blue Baby when you die, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Lazarus, Everytime Isaac takes damage, one blue fly will spawn, * , the lost item pool, green, red, bloody, dead, Isaac's tears have a chance to poison enemies, The poison effect leaves a damage over time, which deals 4 or 6 damage per tick, The chance to poison enemies is affected by your luck stat and at +18 Luck it will activate every time, Isaac now has a chance to make a spectral and piercing tear, The chance to fire a piercing tear is affected by your luck stat and at +18 Luck it will activate every time, While held, this trinket gives a random mushroom effect each room, Possible mushrooms include: Mini Mush, Odd Mushroom (Thin), Odd Mushroom (Thick), The Compass, *, ping, pong, paddle, grey, gray, mushroom, While at 1/2 a red heart of health, you gain a Little Steve familiar that follows you and shoots homing tears, REPENTANCE - Umbilical Cord now has a high chance to spawn a Gemini familiar for the room when Isaac takes damage. You avoid taking damage once every room. Items picked up are not shared between the two characters, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Tainted Jacob, When activated, Isaac's tears are replaced by a bone sword and he goes on a killing rampage, gaining +0.4 Speed, +3 Flat Damage Up for 5 seconds, The sword deals x3 damage if used at close range, or x1.5 damage if charged up and thrown, Clearing rooms doesn't charge this item - charge is added equal to damage taken by enemies. The locust fly will do different things for each harbinger - e.g. Explosion damage has increased to 100 (from 60). Changed to 2 room recharge, * golden chest pool, gold chest pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, bob sloth, Item Pool: Item Room This gives Isaac a bone sword and he goes on a killing rampage, gaining +0.4 Speed, +3 Flat Damage Up, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Samson, Activates the Mega Blast item effect, which gives you a giant laser that deals x5 your tear damage per tick to anything in its path and pushing Isaac back by the force, The effect lasts for 8 seconds but does persist between rooms, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush and Boss Rush as Tainted Azazel, When used this kills Isaac and revives him with 1/2 a red heart. Following the path takes you to an abandoned mineshaft, which leads you to a pedestal with the Knife Piece. ), Doesn't show the location of Secret or Super Secret rooms, Room icons will not show if a Curse of the Lost is in effect on the current floor, * normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, shop room pool, shop item pool, pink, red, Heals one red heart container when picked up, Item Pool: Boss Room, Challenge Room, Beggar, * dungeon room, blood challenge room, arena pool, normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, boss room pool, boss room item, the lost item pool, brown, bowl, grey, gray, poop, fly, Item Pool: Boss Room, Beggar, Challenge Room, * dungeon room, blood challenge room, arena pool, normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, boss room pool, boss room item, the lost item pool, dog, can, tin, brown, * dungeon room, blood challenge room, arena pool, normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, boss room pool, boss room item, the lost item pool, dog, brown, sack, bag, fly, * dungeon room, blood challenge room, arena pool, normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, boss room pool, boss room item, the lost item pool, carton, fly, flies, milk, * dungeon room, blood challenge room, arena pool, normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, boss room pool, boss room item, the lost item pool, green, bone, lump, yellow. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium in The Void floor as The Forgotten, A passive item that puts a yellow ring around Isaac. Can only happen once per room, Visually this is almost identical to the Guardian Angel item, but without a face, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Blue Womb (Hush) with The Lost, A white orbiting fly which deals 3 contact damage per tick to enemies, This familiar orbits Isaac at a middle length distance somewhere between Distant Admiration and Forever Alone, Item Pool: Item Room, Greed Mode Item Room, Key Beggar. This means you can leave rooms before defeating the enemies inside, Doesn't open locked doors, or the door that leads to the Boss Room, This item causes nearby enemies to be affected by the charm effect, causing them to attack other nearby enemies, The charm effect will wear off very quicky when enemies move away from Isaac, This item causes your tears to become rocks, which have increased knockback and can break other rocks and objects. Dead Bird) then Box of Friends will cause it to spawn but won't create duplicates, This can be used multiple times in the same room to generate more familiars, meaning you can get a level 4 meatboy or bandage girl by using this item 3 times in the same room, If used when you have no familiars, it will give you a Demon Baby temporarily, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Greed Mode with Lilith, Isaac wears a dunce hat and fires 2 tears at once diagonally, similar to the R U A WIZARD pill tear pattern, * Item Room, Greed Mode Item Room, dunce cap, white, hat, cone, Replaces Isaac's tears with nails, which have increased knockback, The increased knockback will also affect Brimstone, which usually has no knockback at all, Gives you a familiar demon incubus that follows you and shoots tears that scale with your own tears in terms of damage, stats and also effects, It will mimic any tear effects you currently have and also copy your current stats, meaning it will fire with the same damage, fire rate and range, Incubus' damage is reduced by 25% when playing as characters other than Lilith, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Blue Womb (Hush) with Lilith, Item Pool: Devil Room, Greed Mode Devil Room, A familiar blue head that will follow Isaac and fire tears copying his tear damage and effects, This familiar is very similar to Incubus, however it only copies damage and is not affected by tears or range upgrades, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Blue Womb (Hush) with ???