Featured image: iStock.com/GoodLifeStudio. If you present your cat to a vet with FISS, surgery will be required to remove the tumor. In recent years, the risk of Feline Injection Site Sarcoma (FISS) has become more of a concern. Rare vaccine side effects In very rare circumstances, a vaccine can cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Vaccines that are appropriate for some cats in some circumstances are considered noncore vaccines (or lifestyle vaccines). If your cat has tolerated vaccinations well in the past, then there is no reason to deny it boosters, provided that its health hasnt recently faltered. They can also strengthen theirimmune system. Some of the more virulent strains cause hair loss and crusting on other parts of the body, as well as hepatitis and even death. Dr. Debra, Recently, my kitten (2 months old) had her first installment of vaccinations. Please consider making a contribution, big or small, to keep our content free, accurate and relevant. Dr. Debra, Recently, my kitten (2 months old) had her first installment of vaccinations. Cats can react badly to vaccines, which is an unavoidable side effect of the process. Cat Enema Side Effects What To Expect After Cat Enema? Certain medicationsLethargy can be a side effect of certain medications, including some anti-anxiety and pain-relieving medications commonly given to cats. The FeLV vaccine works to protect your cat againstfeline leukemia virus. WebThe vaccine protocols that are being questioned are those for the core vaccines administered to adult dogs and cats. If in doubt, wait for 30-60 minutes following vaccination before taking your pet home. Press Enter / Return to begin your search. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. Cat Vaccinations If your cat is still unwell 48 hours after its vaccination, then you should call your vet for advice. A number of other vaccines may be available in certain countries but not others. Adult cats need shots less often, usually every year or every 3 years, depending on how long a vaccine is designed to last. This virus is quite common among cats, especially cats that go outdoors and are involved in fighting (infection is mainly spread through cat bites). ParasitesParasites can pass on diseases and directly harm the body, leading to lethargy in cats. And when you consider the pain of an injection, you will better understand why your cat may not interact with people and other cats like he usually does. In most cases, the risks posed by vaccination are outweighed by the safety that vaccines provide. I'm a proud owner of 5 adult cats (all adopted strays), including a senior cat who is now 20. It is not as common as FHV-1 or FCV (see above), but can sometimes be a problem especially in stressed cats and cats from large colonies. The side effect that has received the most attention in recent years is fibrosarcoma this is a type of malignant tumour that can develop at the site of vaccination. While cat vaccinations generally have no serious side effects, some people report changes in their poochs behavior after getting vaccinated. In addition, vaccines can cause allergic reactions. All vaccines have the potential to cause side effects in cats. Other vaccines are regarded as non-core and used when vaccination would provide valuable protection for an individual cat. Neurologic disordersDisease or injury affecting the neurologic system, especially the brain, can lead to lethargy in cats. In the early stages the affected cat may suffer from lethargy and pain in the affected area. This will help minimize aggression because they will be both familiar with the scents in the clinic. Feline panleukopenia, also known asfeline parvovirus, is a highly infectious disease with a high mortality rate in kittens. After getting injected with a vaccine, you may also experience the same symptoms. Here at MyCuteAnimals.com we cover everything from training, care, health, nutrition, breeds, products, and much more. Talk to your veterinarian if your cats lethargy does not improve. This is a temporary lump that goes away after a couple of weeks and nothing to worry about. Sneezing, mild coughing, "snotty nose" or other respiratory signs may occur 2-5 days after your pet receives an intranasal vaccine. If your elderly cat has a chronic illness, then you should avoid vaccination. Transmitted through body fluids including saliva, urine, and feces, FeLV is spread when an infected cat comes into close contact with another cat that they groom or share bowls with. WebDecreased appetite and activity. There are many different strains of the FIV virus and it is not entirely clear as of yet how well the available vaccine protects against all these different strains, but studies suggest that it is able to provide a valuable degree of protection for cats at risk of exposure. Diarrhea is also a possibility for the same reasons. The lungs and other internal organs will soon be affected. Tiredness is a temporary state that resolves with rest or sleep. If your cat has little energy or limping syndrome, the walk can feel like a long journey, especially for an older cat with joint problems or arthritis pain. Is she weak? Your purchase directly supports the leading global cat welfare charity, International Cat Care. Talk to your vet to figure out which approach is best for your pet. Dr. Debra, Recently, my kitten (2 months old) had her first installment of vaccinations. Such reactions can occur almost every time the cat gets a shot. Understand that your cat is still in recovery and that he may not be his usual self. You can seek guidance and advice from your vet regarding such behavioral transformation. Signs that your cat is allergic to the vaccination include: These reactions will be treated with steroids or antihistamines to reduce the impact of the allergy. This is because the vaccine causes a chemical reaction in a cats brain. Not all vaccines must be injected. While the rabies vaccine is not listed as a core vaccine by the AAFP guidelines, it is required by law in most regions. They also think that some shots may be doing more harm than good. More marked side effects may include vomiting, diarrhoea, lameness, fever, signs of respiratory tract infection, or lumps at the site of injection. Read the latest news about the AVMA and the veterinary profession, and search archives dating back to 2000. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Smoking Pot Every Day Linked to Heart Risks, Artificial Sweetener Linked to Heart Risks, FDA Authorizes First At-Home Test for COVID and Flu, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Panleukopenia (also known as feline distemper). The virus can also survive for long periods in the environment so vaccination is the only real way to protect cats. The FeLV vaccine is recommended as core for kittens. Cats They provide cat owners, veterinary professionals and those who live and work with cats the resources, support, and advice they need to better care for cats. Understanding vaccinosis in dogs and cats after Fever, lethargy, reduced appetite, and swelling are all common. Its rare, but it does happen. Feline panleucopenia virus(also known as feline parvovirus or feline infectious enteritis) is a severe and frequently fatal cause of haemorrhagic gastroenteritis. The vet will also think about how long vaccines are supposed to last and how likely your cat might be to come into contact with a certain disease. So, it was with a heavy heart I had to leave again without an answer. They tend to be either fully onrunning around like maniacsor fully offresting up for another round. Lethargy is a very nonspecific clinical signits seen with almost every health problem a cat could develop. WebBordetella: Cats who go to the groomer or stay at a kennel may get vaccinated for this infection that spreads quickly in spaces where there are lots of animals. Do Cats Understand Human Smiles And Facial Expressions? Many illnesses will also make a cat lethargic, so its quite likely that a sick or recently vaccinated cat will be lethargic. This is partly because, should a fibrosarcoma develop at these sites, limb amputation is possible and offers a better chance of complete removal than trying to remove an invasive tumour from the neck region. Mild signs, such as tiredness, mild fever, and decreased appetite, may be present for a short time. Vaccines All kittens should receive their core vaccinations and any others that are agreed between you and your vet. However, as a charity, we need your support to enable us to keep delivering high quality and up to date information for everyone. Some of these problems, like cancer, are more common as pets get older, but lethargy can strike cats at any age. Cat Independence America Holdings Corp. All Rights Reserved. After your cat gets his first shot, hell need a few more doses usually two to four weeks apart until hes 16 to 20 weeks old. Heres how to tell the difference between a tired cat and a lethargic cat, some possible causes of the lethargy, and what you should do. She started to get more aggressive. Some cats are allergic to vaccines. We took her to our vet. Some cats may also have trouble walking and experience stomach upsets. Many illnesses will also make a cat lethargic, so its quite likely that a sick or recently vaccinated cat will be lethargic. WebLow energy (lethargy) Eating less Sleeping more Fever (high temperature) Mild swelling around the vaccine site that disappears in two - six weeks. Theres no better place to network, learn, and meet up with the friends and colleagues who make veterinary medicine so rewarding. For these reasons, where rabies is present in a country or in a region, it is recommended that all cats should be vaccinated against this disease. Whether you have a kitten or an adult cat, your vet can help you figure out which vaccines are best and how often your kitty should get shots. Cat Behavior After Vaccination A Complete Guide. The disease can negatively impact your cats immune system or cause anemia or cancer. There are certain vaccines all cats need aka core vaccines. There is always risk involved in vaccinating a cat. To read most recent questions Click here! He gave her a shot of cortizone. Inflammatory / immune diseasesAbnormal immune responses and inflammation can make cats feel unwell and damage the body. The cost of your cats vaccines will vary depending on where you get them done. Attend topical CE meetings on subjects including animal welfare, wellbeing, economics, and public policy. 6 Challenges of Owning a Cat You Need to Know, Changes In Cat Behaviour After Vet Visit? Any movement will be painful for the full duration of this side effect. Some vaccines are recommended for all cats. Cat Vaccinations Sometimes, the pet may even need further observation or other treatments. These side effects are short-term and should subside on their own. This happens because the immune response generated by a vaccine can make cats feel tired, achy, and generally unwell. We took her to our vet. However, based on most recent data, the Vaccine Advisory Panel recommends that subsequent vaccines may be administered based on risk: yearly for high-risk cats, and every two years for lower-risk cats. Also, many local and state governments have laws about vaccines like rabies. The Cat Gallery has partnered with International Cat Care to host the charitys online shop and manage the distribution of shop bought goods to customers. The American Association of Feline Practitioners also considers the FVCRP to be a core vaccine. A vet will offeressential vaccinations for your cat. This allows veterinarians to efficiently administer the vaccines all at once, instead of having to inject a cat three separate times in one visit: If your cat is an indoor adult cat, FVRCP can be done every three years. If they have not done some basic tests, Id recommend letting them do that. This means that the neck should always be avoided. Tell any children in the home not to disturb your cat. Documented reactions in these cases include behavioral aggression and separation anxiety; destruction and shredding of clothing and bedding; obsessive behavior such as barking, fearfulness, self-mutilation, tail chewing; pica (eating wood, stones, earth, and feces); seizures and epilepsy; fibrosarcomas at the injection site; and autoimmune He told us she had a screw loose and that she had a shot knot. All vaccines have the potential to cause side effects in cats. Here are the general cat vaccination guidelines to use as a starting point: Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox.