She will always go over the practice tests and go over any problems that you are stuck on. The architecture of a search engine. BNFO340. First-year students are placed in a curriculum that positions them for success which may result in additional time needed to complete curriculum requirements. Theres also the opportunity to learn beyond the classroom via the Senior, Capstone Program, a semester-long course that gives students the chance to draw on their, years of studying and apply said knowledge to one of NJITs 200 industry sponsors and. Storage strategies for persistent information are also covered, including the use of the available SQLite Database features. Graduate Degree Programs | Department of Computer Science Computer Science Syllabi. Roadmap to Computing for Engineers. If you cheat, you're only hurting yourself, especially for a course as important as this. I found that the course material was just difficult to understand especially when the professor has no interest in teaching students and plows through the PowerPoints like nothing. Also, at the end of the semester she told us to go over her 10 PowerPoints slides that had over 100 slides in each one of them which was pretty yikes. CS 331-104: Database System Design and Management - NJIT Vintage ARIA Pro II CS-350 Cardinal Series Made in Japan - 1983. This course provides an introduction to automata theory, computability theory, and complexity theory. The Administration and Faculty of the Department of Computer Science M.S. in Computer Science (MS CS) 120. :). Course covers program specifications, correctness and efficiency, data abstraction, and algorithm analysis. 3 credits, 0 contact hours (0;0;0). I think your 341 would be the exact opposite if you had rutkowski, and your 252 would have been harder if you had that with Sohn, and Itani for 288. If you plan on dorming and you're not bringing a beefy desktop, then I would recommend a gaming laptop. | | Usefulness | Although CS280 exposed me to Linux, CS288 helped me understand the real power of using a linux distro. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. | Usefulness | meh. It's more important to understand the basics of Computer Science and build on top of that. Computer Science Syllabi CS 331-102: Database System Design and Management (Revised for Remote Learning) Syed Asim Abbasi Instructor Abbasi Document Type Syllabus Course Semester Spring 2020 Department Computer Science Course Number CS 331 Course Section 102 Recommended Citation | | Personal Opinion | CS341 was one of my favorite courses at NJIT too. Intro final. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Course syllabus. You should go out there and find a club with similar interests to you or study with a group of people within your class. As the largest computer science department among research universities in the New York metropolitan area, the Department of Computer Science is a bustling stomping ground for students looking to explore computer science on both a technical and liberal arts level. Restriction: Senior standing in the Honors College and project proposal approval. Students will learn how to utilize their own custom 2D graphics and sounds into their projects. If you do not have the chance to take this in your senior semester, I would recommend just doing leetcode or hackerrank problems. Such systems emerge in engineering, architecture, and manufacturing. I personally didn't think he was too bad mainly because I knew some of the topics in the syllabus. Computer Science Syllabi CS 331-104: Database System Design and Management Tanweer Haroon Instructor Haroon Document Type Syllabus Course Semester Spring 2020 Department Computer Science Course Number CS 331 Course Section 104 Recommended Citation Haroon, Tanweer, "CS 331-104: Database System Design and Management" (2020). CS458. I heard Sohn is teaching the course now and is doing a great job teaching students. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Request Info Introduction to Computer Science II. Despite that, I can understand why other people might struggle in the course. This includes the theoretical foundations of computer science and practical applications of database design, programming and software engineering. M.S. . Emphasizes both underlying theory and applications. program is designed for students interested in liberal arts or, management. Prerequisite: CS113 with a grade C or better. Image Processing and Analysis. Topics include basic concepts of computer systems, software engineering, algorithm design, programming languages and data abstraction, with applications. There are so many people here with similar personalities to you and you will find groups of people that you can hang out with and also study with. Prerequisite: CS490. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). | | Usefulness | Although I do understand the concept and theory behind the course, I don't know when or how I will be applying CS241 work in to real life practice. Dunno, I'm pretty sure I remember Shu Lee saying it was his first semester teaching CS114, but it was so long ago I probably don't remember too well. | | Study tips | I would highly recommend starting the projects early. I found this approach to be effective since you can see the cause and effect of what that piece of code will do live and if you have different ways to solve a problem, you could always ask Sohn for his opinion. Web crawling. CS350 assignments are C-programming heavy. . The study of new and/or advanced topics in an area of computer science not regularly covered in any other CS course. The ability to use existing programs and to write small programs to access bioinformatics information or to combine and manipulate various existing bioinformatics programs has become a valuable part of the skill set of anyone working with biomolecular or genetic data. The course instructor will mentor and evaluate all projects in conjunction with an entrepreneurship board of industry, faculty, and alumni advisors. This goes for all courses at NJIT. Processing text (tokenization, stemming, stopwords, link analysis). He really shows you what it's like to be in a company and be thrown on a team with varying skill sets and personalities that you may not like. MATH 213 Calculus III B, MATH 222 Differential Equations. Reasoning techniques based on propositional and predicate logic and relational calculus operations with applications to databases will also be introduced. Once complete, students will have created two fully functional games. in Computing & Business M.S. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). If you want a job, pay attention to this course. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Results may vary. Also, the course covers undecidability and complexity classes P, NP, and NPC. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). There are a lot of requirements needed for the projects and you'll find a way to break down and divide the work. Math or Science Elective: If you took MATH 244 Introduction to Probability Theory you must take MATH 341 Statistical Methods II. Topics include computer data structures for representation of two- and three-dimensional objects and algorithms for definition, modification, and display of these objects in applications. Computer Vision. Since most people don't use just C these days, that can be a little daunting. The department also offers a Ph.D. in Computer Science. Students will gain knowledge about theoretical design principles and apply them directly on real-world data, as part of assignments and course projects. What do Computer Science majors do? or any Math 300/400 level exceptMATH305Statistics for Technology. Information vs. data retrieval. Bioinformatics Senior Project. | | Usefulness | I can remember a few times where I had to do basic socket programming and this course helped me a lot in understanding what to do. |, | CS241 | Foundations Of Comp Science I | | ------ | ------ | | Professor | Adrian Ionescu | | Difficulty | | | Notes on Professor | Ionescu's class is a shitshow. CS/IS/IT Elective: Two 3-credit CS/IS/IT electives (200-level or above). Search engine evaluation. Two of the jobs I applied to in early May came back to me in June. 3 credits, 4 contact hours (3;1;0). For every course, it's generally a good idea to get the material that was done from previous courses and then use that to study off of. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Emphasis on programming methodology using a high level language as the vehicle to illustrate the concepts. | | Personal Opinion | 288 is great. It'll also be used in later courses like CS356 and CS301 so you should definitely get familiar with this early on. Press J to jump to the feed. This forced myself to get comfortable with the OS and within a week or so of general desktop use, I was able to use it efficiently. An introductory course in computer science with applications in computer graphics for architecture. Guided Design in Software Engineering. Students receiving degree credit for CS114 cannot receive degree credit for CS116 or CS505. Students will learn skills necessary for creating and deploying applications with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK). Topics include basics of cryptography, access control, malware, software security, storage and file security, operating-system security, database security and secure communication protocols. Introduction to Linux Kernel Programming. If you tookMATH244Introduction to Probability Theoryyou must takeMATH341Statistical Methods II. I found this course to be the most challenging I've taken at the time because I was just a big noob back then. |, | CS332 | Principles of Operating Systems | | ------ | ------ | | Professor | Morty Kwestel | | Difficulty | | | Notes on Professor | MortyMorty is a goofy professor with a scientific af mind. Topics include: network scanning, TCP/IP stack fingerprinting, system vulnerability analysis, buffer overflows, password cracking, session hijacking, denial-of-service attacks, intrusion detection. An introduction to programming and problem solving skills using Python or other very high level language. If you tookMATH333Probability and Statisticsyou may take any of the following: CS337Performance Modeling in Computing. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). It's table of content potion has sections that will correspond to the lecture so you can use this resource as a way to study. Students may take any combination of face-to-face and on-line courses or entirely online. This is the most important thing you can gain from any Computer Science degree." (973) 596-2315. . in Cyber Security & Privacy M.S. The emphasis is on the logical analysis of a problem and the formulation of a computer program leading to its solution. BNFO135. I graduated May of 2019 and I just wanted to take some time to leave my "yelp" review of all the experiences I had with NJIT throughout the past 4 years I've been here. Computer scientists think logically to build and implement computer algorithms, work with operating systems, databases, firewalls and web servers - and write programs for computer gaming, mobile computing, and wireless systems. Computer Science | New Jersey Institute of Technology If you don't know the material before coming into the class, or have an idea of what to do, the textbook won't help you at all. CS485. This class is heavily reliant on a good team and that's why I would highly recommend taking this course with people you can trust to get shit done and people that have good working habits. Pretty easy class, but you have to read a lot and if you get stuck on something, try to refer to old class material. Foundations of Computer Science II. The Java language is introduced and used to highlight these concepts. CS350 Intro Computer Systems Homework 1 Homework 1 on Reality Check Write C programs to implement the reality we discussed last week. Students will learn how to set up and program their own 3D graphics based game engine using OpenGL. Holy shit. . The department offers B.S., B.A., M.S. There are so many people here with similar career goals, interests and hobbies as you and I think it would be impossible for you to not find a friend. Computer Science Syllabi. | | Usefulness | Once you start your first job, you will most likely be thrown into a team with people you don't know and you may not like their personalities. This course will give a broad overview of cybersecurity. |, | CS431 | Database System Design and Management | | ------ | ------ | | Professor | Ananya Dass | | Difficulty | | | Notes on Professor | Dass is a really kind and caring professor. Data Analysis for Bioinformatics II. The Android approach to user interfaces is described along with a discussion of some of the more common user-interface elements. Amanda_Contino. This course introduces mobile application development for the Android platform. Data Visualization. If you're feeling really unsafe, just go in a group of 2 or 3 or ask a security guard to escort you. Topics include basic concepts of computer systems, software engineering, algorithm design, programming languages and abstraction, with applications. He does allow the textbook to be brought into the class, but it's usually a bait. (Extra) Study tips = I'll put this in here if there is anything really important. The indexing process and inverted indexes. He really wants to push students to get their foot in the door with these sponsored projects and he encourages you to put the experience you had on your resume. I would also like to mention the added benefit of doing research with professors. CS351. | | Personal Opinion | I had a joke of a sponsor that didn't give me work until we were 75% through the semester. 2D Game Development. Home | | Personal Opinion | Senjuti made it really difficult to enjoy data science. I completely disagree. This goes for all courses at NJIT. Despite what people think, I think Sohn is an excellent professor. Aka. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Advanced topics in data structures and algorithms, involving sequences, sets, and graphs such as searching, sorting, order statistics, balanced search tree operations, hash tables, graph traversals, graph connectivity and path problems. I do remember a lot of people complaining about how he only taught a small portion of what is on the exam in class, but most of the topics were in the lecture notes. Undergraduate Degree Programs | Department of Computer Science dont get me wrong, he can help you and provide you with some insight, but when teaching a class, its hard to focus on one thing. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Topics include basic strategies for problem solving, constructs that control the flow execution of a program and the use of high level data types such as lists, strings, and dictionaries in problem representation. > The course will focus on accessing databases through the Web but also cover new developments in the field. First, students will learn fundamental concepts of cybersecurity. Students will learn how to reprogram a professional game engine, or Modification (Mod) development as it is referred to in the industry. Prerequisites: (CS 265 and CS266) or (IT265 and IT266) with a grade C or better. He's one of the few professors in this school that made the class fun and enjoyable to listen to for more than an hour. CS408. This course introduces basic concepts and methodologies of computer vision, and focuses on material that is fundamental and has a broad scope of applications. B.S. Computer Science | New Jersey Institute of Technology thank god i already knew python bc he basically gives you the answers for the class with incoherent explanations and he tends to go off topic a lot. A study of advanced programming topics with logical structures of data, their physical representation, and the design of computer algorithms operating on the structures. Meeting Number: 2621 656 8218. | |Study Tips| For the online class, listening to lectures at 1.5x or 2.0 speed really helps. A graduating student is prepared to work as a computing professional, utilizing the knowledge acquired in the undergraduate program in Computer Science at NJIT. I had almost nothing to present during the midterm except wire frames/concepts of what I was supposed to be doing. Prerequisite: CS280 with a grade C or better. I do remember other groups that weren't so fortunate and they had to work with people who didn't show up to their planned meetings, just didn't do the things they were assigned, or even dropped the class without giving notice to their team. I went through the first 3 years of my college career using a laptop that had 4 GBs of ram, a pentium 4 and with 250 GB of space. The most useful thing I took you from this course was the problem solving technique that the course made me go through. | | Personal Opinion | I can tell from experience that you should really pay attention to this course. CS440. | | Personal Opinion | Your experience will change depending on which part you take and also the group of people you are working with. Yeaa, I have heard a bunch of horror stories from Itani and Rutkowski. | | Personal Opinion | Morty made class pretty interesting with his stories, but it would sometimes be annoying because he would take up a portion of class talking about why street signs have the green color on the bottom and red on top and would often rush the actual material since there is less time. CS114. cs 110: intro to computer science a cs 111: intro to computer science b cs 113: intro computer sci i cs 252: computer org & architect Hillier College of Architecture and Design. Majors. > The combination of an unmotivated professor and no interest on my end really made me not care about this course too much. Instructors: Ali Mashtizadeh, Rob Hackman Assignments There are four programming assignments. Major & Degree Finder. Usefulness = How I have personally utilized this course in my daily/professional experiences. To view the content in your browser, please download Adobe Reader or, alternately, 3D Game Development. Bell, Sohn, C. Number of courses: 154 All Courses Documents Q&A Popular Courses CS 100 1,204 Documents 128 Q&As CS 631 Google cluster architecture). Database System Design & Mgmt. Notes on Professor = How I felt the professor was at teaching and explaining course material. I think only one topics from CS241 transferred to the following course, CS341, and even then, the topic wasn't even difficult to learn on your own. Prerequisite: CS351 with a grade C or better. And to state the obvious : This is a summary of how I felt about the courses, and it is entirely my opinion. Credits from the Computer Science Certificate can be . > It also taught me how to make an outline as well as how programs should run. Prerequisites: BNFO 240 or equivalent or permission of instructor. If you have any questions, comments, or things you would like to add to the thread, feel free to reply to the thread and I'll add them as soon as I can. Topics to be covered include: a brief review of the necessary mathematical tools, human visual perception, sampling and quantization, image transformation, enhancement, restoration, compression, reconstruction, image geometric transformation, matching, segmentation, feature extraction, representation and description, recognition and interpretation. The course also presents an overview of selected topics in computing, such as networking and databases. |, | CS490 | Guided Design in Software Engineering | | ------ | ------ | | Professor | Theodore Nicholson | | Difficulty | | | Notes on Professor | Nicholson is a great professor and gives you a taste of what it's like to be in the real world. This course introduces students to the basic concepts of game programming and development. "CS 301-004: Introduction to Data Science" by Pan Xu - NJIT describe something important you have learned recently. CS435. An overview of the most common tools and techniques for writing Android applications is included. GitHub is totally necessary, and maybe a personal website (which you can host for free at NJIT). CS490 is a way to get a glimpse into the future where not everything will go the way you want it. Data Science this is a great opportunity for CS students." | | Usefulness | Because CS 100 exposed me to Python, I found this class to be really useful in practice. Programming for Bioinformatics II. Intensive Programming in Linux. The B.S. I lean back on my personal projects for code reference all the time. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I found myself getting stuck on "complicated" topics but in reality, I just didn't understand simple concepts like pointers and polymorphism. CS - New Jersey Institute of Technology - Course Hero The Computer Science Certificate is designed for professionals seeking to expand their technical skills and competencies for tackling the latest challenges in computer science and related areas. #1 Public University in New Jersey Source: Forbes #1 of 15 Best Colleges for Computer/Information Systems in New Jersey Source: College Factual There are both paid and unpaid opportunities but it's a great experience to apply what you learn in class to some other fun areas you may not be familiar with. Overall, I wouldn't say it's a depressing campus because they are clearly working on it. What I did was take an hour just before I sleep just apply to jobs on LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster, Handshake, and other sites. Introduction to Computer Networks. Godsend post for incoming freshman, tysm. | | Personal Opinion | I was able to AP out of CS 113 so I went straight to CS 114 after CS 100. Another thing that NJIT CDS offers is reserved interview rooms, which can be found here. An introductory course in computer science, with applications to business and managerial decision making. Data Mining. 90 terms. | | Study tips | This course, like most others, have exams that are exactly like the homework. (ii) A tour of a selection of widely-used machine learning algorithms, including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement-based techniques, with applications on real data sets. Mini project was pretty cool, but kinda tedious. Computer Science | Office of Graduate Studies - New Jersey Institute of Verified answer. Prerequisites: CS332 or equivalent and knowledge of C language. She lets her TA do most of the homework management and generally doesn't even know what the homework was about. | | Usefulness | If it weren't for a recent experience, I would've had the same comments as CS 241, but I recently just made a state machine diagram for my company (which they thought was really helpful and was impressed that I knew how to do) lol. Job specializations: Software Development. Computer Science Department, Illinois Institute of Technology I read emails sent only to the official NJIT email address. The engine will integrate 2D graphics, audio, input handling and network socket programming. cs 350 njit - Performance evaluation, discrete-event simulation, classification and optimization are covered. Shout-out to ACM for helping me acquire a social life at NJIT : NJIT ACM Discord, Shameless plug : come join my server (sorry Evan) : NJIT Community, And also come join this if you need help with anything CS : NJIT YWCC Discord, Also I will not give you my homework or exams, please do not PM me.