Then copy somewhere safe the generated token. So the instructions vary depending on your router, but essentially you want to tell it to listen on a particular port, like https://:8443 and divert (route) those to the local IP address of your Home Assistant device, like: i.e. Once you do the --host option though, the Home Assistant container isnt a part of the docker network anymore and it basically makes the default config in the swag container not work out of the box (unless they fixed it recently) and complicates the setup beyond the nice simple process you noted above. Turns out, for a reason far beyond my ability to troubleshoot, I cannot access any of my reverse proxy domain names from devices running iOS 14 on an external IP. As you had said I am that typical newbie who had a raspbian / pi OS experience and had made his first steps in the HA environment. I dont think your external IP should be trusted_proxy as traffic will no show as coming from there. Sensors began to respond almost instantaneously! Home Assistant - Better Blue Iris Integration - Kleypot If you dont know how to do it type in YouTube the following: Below is a screen of how I configured this port forwarding rule in Unifi Dream Machine router. Thanks, I dont need another containers ( yet), just a way to get remote access for my Smartthings. However I want to point out that using a virtual box (in my experience) has been such a fluid experience, Also Im guessing that you cant get supervisor addons in docker, If you can get supervisor addons in docker, use WireGuard, its amazing, If you have a windows server, you can use the link bellow, using the VirtualBox (.vdi) image choice. Installing Home Assistant Container. Ill call out the key changes that I made. And with docker-compose version 1.28 leaving it in results in an error and the container does not start. e.g. If youre using NGINX on OpenWRT, make sure you move the root /www within the routers server directive. Hello. When you choose "Home Assistant", the service definition added to your docker-compose.yml includes the following: It's an all-in-one solution that helps to easily setup an Nginx reverse proxy with a built-in certbot client. Is it a DuckDNS, or it is a No-IP or FreeDNS or maybe something completely different. Running Home Assistant on Docker (Different computer) and NGINX on my WRT3200ACM router (OpenWRT). It is recommended to input your e-mail in docker parameters so you receive expiration notices from Lets Encrypt in those circumstances. But yes it looks as if you can easily add in lots of stuff. So, make sure you do not forward port 8123 on your router or your system will be unsecure. Then under API Tokens youll click the new button, give it a name, and copy the token. swag | [services.d] done. This part is easy, but the exact steps depends of your router brand and model. To install Nginx Proxy Manager, you need to go to "Settings > Add-ons". GitHub. It is time for NGINX reverse proxy. I am leaving this here if other people need an answer to this problem. I have setup the subdomain and when I try to access it via a web browser I get a 400 error, when I try to connect the iOS app it says 400 error Shared.WebhookError 2. This same config needs to be in this directory to be enabled. Not sure about you, but I exposed mine with NGINX and didnt change anything under configuration.yaml HTTP section except IP ban and thresholds: As for in NGINX just basic configuration, its pretty much empty. And my router can do that automatically .. but you can use any other service or develop your own script. When I try to access it via the subdomain, I am getting 400 Bad Request and the logs from the HASS Docker container prints: 2021-12-31 15:17:06 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.forwarded] A request from a . Does anyone knows what I am doing wrong? Go to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled and look in there. Supported Architectures. Home Assistant Free software. It is more complex and you dont get the add-ons, but there are a lot more options. It depends on what you want to do, but generally, yes. Home Assistant is running on docker with host network mode. The utilimate goal is to have an automated free SSL certificate generation and renewal process. Last pushed a month ago by pvizeli. Restart of NGINX add-on solved the problem. This will down load the swag image, create the swag volume, unpack and set up the default configuration. NGINX HA SSL proxy - websocket forwarding? #1043 - Github It takes a some time to generate the certificates etc. The first thing I did was getting a domain name from and pointed it to my home public IP address. Its pretty much copy and paste from their example. So, I decided to migrate my home automations and controls to a local private cloud, and I said its time to use the unbeatable Home Assistant! Setup nginx, letsencrypt for improved security. I don't mean frenck's HA addon, I mean the actual nginx proxy manager . Next youll need to add proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; and proxy_set_header Connection upgrade;. The official home assistant install documentation advises home assistant container needs to be run with the --network=host option to be a supported install versus just mapping port 8123. Using NGINX as a proxy for Home Assistant allows you to serve Home Assistant securely over standard ports. To encrypt communication between Cloudflare and Home Assistant, we will use an Origin Certificate. 1. I have a domain name setup with most of my containers, they all work fine, internal and external. I have a pi-4 running raspbian in a container and so far it had worked out for me over the past few weeks where I had implemented a lot of sensors and devices of various brands and also done the tuya local and energy meter integrations beyond the xiaomi, SonOff and smartlife stuff. Where do you get as the trusted proxy? The answer lies in your router's port forwarding. I have Ubuntu 20.04. Home Assistant, Google Assistant & Cloudflare - Paolo Tagliaferri This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Getting 400 when accessing Home Assistant through a reverse proxy I dont recognize any of them. Check out for a demo, installation instructions , tutorials and documentation. A basic understanding of Docker is presumed and Docker-Compose is installed on your machine. It was a complete nightmare, but after many many hours or days I was able to get it working. Here are the levels I used. Is there any way to serve both HTTP and HTTPS? Next, go into Settings > Users and edit your user profile. 172.30..3), but this is IMHO a bad idea. DNSimple provides an easy solution to this problem. Below is the Docker Compose file I setup. Finally, use your browser to logon from outside your home You only need to forward port 443 for the reverse proxy to work. GitHub - linuxserver/docker-homeassistant Your home IP is most likely dynamic and could change at anytime. If you dont know how to get your public IP, you can find it right here: Now working lovely in the following setup: Howdy all, could use some help, as Ive been banging my head against the wall trying to get this to work. There was one requirement, which was I need a container that supported the DNSimple DNS plugin since I host my sites through DNSimple. It's a lot to wrap your brain around if you are unfamiliar with web server architecture, but it is well worth the effort to eliminate the overhead of encryption, especially if you are using Raspberry Pis or ESP devices. Obviously this will cause issues, and everything weve setup will break since that A record will no longer point to the correct place. Finally, all requests on port 443 are proxied to 8123 internally. For this tutorial you will need a working Home Assistant with Supervisor & Add-ons store. Once this is all setup the final thing left to do is run docker-compose restart and you should be up and running. Any chance you can share your complete nginx config (redacted). Juans "Nginx Reverse Proxy Set Up Guide " , with the comprehensive replies and explainations, is the place to go for detailed understanding. Next thing I did was configure a subdomain to point to my Home Assistant install. I have a relatively simple system ( Smartthings and MQTT integrations plus some mijia_bt Bluetooth sensors). set $upstream_app 192.168.X.XXX; This is the homeassistant.subdomain.conf file (with all #comments removed for clarity). In this case, remove the default server {} block from the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file and paste the contents from the bottom of the page in its place. That did the trick. If you aren't able to access port 8123 from your local network, then Nginx won't be able to either. You could also choose to only whitelist your NGINX Proxy Manager Docker container (eg. How to Use Nginx Reverse Proxy With Multiple Docker Apps - Linux Handbook The ACCOUNT_ID I grabbed from the URL when logged into DNSimple. However, I believe this might as well be complete for someone whos looking out to get themselves into home automation with Home Assistant in a secure Docker-based environment. docker pull homeassistant/armv7-addon-nginx_proxy:latest. It supports a wide range of devices and can be installed onto most major platforms, such as Windows, Linux, macOS, Raspberry Pi, ODroid, etc.. Some quick googling confirmed my suspicion encrypting and decrypting every packet can be very taxing for low-powered hardware like Konnected's NodeMcu boards. /home/user/volumes/swag, Forward ports 80 and 443 through your router to your server. Every service in docker container, So when i add HA container i add nginx host with subdomain in nginx-proxy container. (I use ACME Certs + DDNS Cloudflare openWrt packages), PS: For cloudflare visitor-ip restoration (real_ip_header CF-Connecting-IP) uninstall the default nginx package and install the all-module package for your router-architecture, Find yours here: You just need to save this file as docker-compose.yml and run docker-compose up -d . Where do I have to be carefull to not get it wrong? in. Install the NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy add-on from the add-on store and configure it with your DuckDNS domain Without using the --network=host option auto discovery and bluetooth will not work in Home Assistant. NordVPN is my friend here. For errors 1 and 2 above I added to the trusted proxies list in my HA config file. swag | [services.d] starting services If you're using the default configuration, you will find them under sensor.docker_ [container_name] and switch.docker_ [container_name]. Although I wrote this procedure for Home Assistant, you can use it for any generic deployment where you need to implement automatic renew of your certificates using the certbot webroot plugin.. Otherwise, nahlets encrypt addon is sufficient. Optionally, I added another public IP address to be able to access to my HA app using my phone when Im outside. If you have a container in bridge network mode (like swag) you can't reference another docker container running in host network mode (like home assistant) by, localhost, hostip, or container name. Hey @Kat81inTX, you pretty much have it. Eclipse Mosquitto is a lightweight and an open-source message broker that implements the MQTT protocol. Before moving, Previously I wrote about setting up Home Assistant running in Docker along with Portainer to provide a GUI for management. Then finally youll need to change to be the internal IP of the machine hosting Home Assistant. I then forwarded ports 80 and 443 to my home server. Very nice guide, thanks Bry! Once I started to understand Docker and had everything running locally at home it seemed like it would be a much easier to maintain there. The source code is available on github here: After the container is running you'll need to go modify the configuration for the DNSimple plugin and put your token in there. This means that all requests coming in to are proxied to http://localhost:8123. While inelegant, SSL errors are only a minor annoyance if you know to expect them. Home Assistant Remote Access using NGINX Reverse Proxy & DuckDNS Is it advisable to follow this as well or can it cause other issues? This is indeed a bulky article. Follow, Im into: Smart Home, Home Automation, IoT & #Bitcoin, Human presence sensor DIY. One other thing is that to overcome the root file permission issue and avoid needing to run a chown, you can set the PUID and PGID environment variables to the non-root user of the machine, which will be generally 1000. For server_name you can enter your subdomain.*. Cert renewal with the swag container is automatic - its checked nightly and will renew the certificate automatically if it expires within 30 days. Thanks. The main drawback of this setup is that using a local IP in the address bar will trigger SSL certificate errors in your browser. The main goal in what i want access HA outside my network via domain url I have DIY home server. In Chrome Dev Tools I can see 3 errors of Failed to load module script: The server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of text/html. Scanned Click "Install" to install NPM. homeassistant/aarch64-addon-nginx_proxy - Docker Again, we are listening for requests on the pre-configured domain name, but this time we are listening on port 443, the standard port for HTTPS. #ld2410b #homeassistant #mmwave, Set up human presence detection with mmWave LD2410B sensor and Home Assistant in minutes In the "Home Assistant Community Add-ons" section, click on "Nginx Proxy Manager". Looking at the add-on configuration page, we see some port numbers and domain name settings that look familiar, but it's not clear how it all fits together. Also, we need to keep our ip address in duckdns uptodate. Digest. after configure nginx proxy to vm ip adress in local network. We're using it here to serve traffic securely from outside your network and proxy that traffic to Home Assistant. and I'll change the Cloudflare tunnel name to let's say My HA.I'll click Save.. I'm ready to start the Cloudflare add-on in Home Assistant, but before that, I have to add some YAML code to my configuration.yaml file. Digest. As long as you don't forward port 8123, then the only way into your HA from the outside is through one of the ports which is handled by Nginx. In this post I will share an easy way to add real-time camera snapshots to your Home Assistant push notifications. But first, Lets clear what a reverse proxy is? I had exactly tyhe same issue. Will post it here just in case if anybody else will have the same issue: Was resolved by adding these two parameters to my Nginx config: I cant find my nginx.conf file anywhere? This means my local home assistant doesnt need to worry about certs. I recently moved to my new apartment and spent all my 2020 savings buying new smart devices, and I think my wife wont be happy when she reads this article . I tried externally from an iOS 13 device and no issues. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, I copied the script in there, and then finally need the container to run the command crond -l 2 -f. Thats really all there is to it, so all that was left was to run docker-compose build and then docker-compose up -d and its up and running. Thank you very much!! Yes, you should said the same. My previous house was mostly Insteon devices and I used Indigo running on a Mac Mini as my home automation software. This is a great way to level up your push notifications, allowing you to actually see what is happening at the instant a notification was pushed. And using the SSL certificate in folder NPM-12 (Same as linked to home assistant), with Force SSL on. Once youve saved that file you can then restart the container with docker-compose restart At this point you should now be able to navigate to your url and will be presented with the default page. Next, we are telling Nginx to return a 301 redirect to the same URL, but we are changing the protocol to https. Try replacing homeassistant on this line with your ip address 192.168.178.xx like on the other lines. It looks as if the swag version you are using is newer than mine. In my example, I have the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/default, then symlinked that to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default. Utkarsha Bakshi. Fortunately, Duckdns (and most of DNS services) offers a HTTP API to periodically refresh the mapping between the DNS record and my IP address. But, I cannot login on HA thru external url, not locally and not on external internet. The second I disconnect my WiFi, to see if my reverse proxy is working externally, the pages stop working. tl;dr: If the only external service you run to your house is home assistant, point #1 would probably be the only benefit. Once thats saved, you just need to run docker-compose up -d. After the container is running youll need to go modify the configuration for the DNSimple plugin and put your token in there. OS/ARCH. In the name box, enter portainer_data and leave the defaults as they are. Hi. They all vary in complexity and at times get a bit confusing. As a proof-of-concept, I temporarily turned off SSL and all of my latency problems disappeared. Home Assistant is still available without using the NGINX proxy. There is also load balancing built inbut that would only matter if you have hundreds of people logged into your home assistant server at once lol. This took me a while to figure out I had to start by first removing the http config from my configuration.yaml: Once you have ensured that this code is removed, check that you can access your home assistant locally, using http and port 8123, e.g. This block tells Nginx to listen on port 80, the standard port for HTTP, for any requests to the %DOMAIN% variable (note that we configured this variable in Home Assistant to match our DuckDNS domain name). After that, it should be easy to modify your existing configuration. Docker HomeAssistant and nginx-proxy - Configuration - Home Assistant