Safety is a concern for many Malaysians, but we still prefer not to break the law when taking care of ourselves. Furthermore, these "small weapons" are only for emergency use and are not allowed to be carried in public in Germany. She said she'd tell her son to get me a can that I can keep in my pocket if I'm out in my garden late at night. From the manufacturer Product Description For serious protection and the most extreme stopping power available, turn to the SABRE Magnum 120 Pepper Spray. You may carry such sprays openly or concealed without the need for any concealed weapons permit or other special permission. Police carry OC sprays of higher concentration. For other countries, pepper-spray is illegal to own or can be owned only for self-defense against animals ( Pennoyer, 2016 ). In Romania, pepper spray is banned on sportive and cultural events, public transportation and entertainment locations (according to Penal Code 2012, art 372, (1), c). Think a moment about that. Pepper spray is almost completely banned in the UK. You are not going to go down dark alleys or go anywhere with strange men. Some studies have found no adverse effects beyond the effects described above. This government is hell bent on removing ANY way of defending yourself, therefore making victims of everyone. for self defense against aggressive drunks and thieves. Even if you could, why do you think you would need it? You have really made this easier. However, the process of obtaining a license in some countries can be extremely strict. Laws can be odd things. In Portugal, it is possible for civilians who do not have criminal records to get police permits to purchase from gun shops, carry, and use OC sprays with a maximum concentration of 5%. Id imagine that in most cases the attacker would just leave you alone. The only acceptable and legal use of pepper spray is for self-defense, which means when you or another person's life is in danger. Pepper spray is almost completely banned in the UK. In Switzerland, Germany, and Portugal, pepper spray is permitted with a license. What is pepper spray? This is completely false. Meanwhile, I'm working on the March joint trip - - the 'work' consists of trying to find a four-wheel drive vehicle with two spares, otherwise we'll figure it out as we go along. Demand for pepper spray and blank-firing guns has surged in Germany, . For (proven) self defense any necessary measure is legal. However, if a good is sold openly at a reputable business (rather than off of . What ever you do, make sure you're in danger. Legitimate use against humans for self-defense is allowed. Third, you can only react in the moment, and you cannot take revenge. It's called Tierabwehrspray animal repellent for that reason. Pepper sprays are technically legal in Malaysia, but only when they are used for self-defence. No. German train ticket machines (DB) take US magnetic stripe credit cards, not so in France. Note: Gunpowder (e.g., Pyrodex, black powder, mace, pepper spray and tear gas) is never permitted. I feel as if my "Americanized" way of thinking has kept me in the dark to the outside world. I thought that if someone was trying to rob me, then I could spray them and get away. Pepper Spray Not Allowed in Carry-on Bags. If enough people shout loud enough, maybe we can be heard? Arizona. Some people offered to pay the girls fine for her. Is it a Crime to Carry Pepper Spray as Self-Defence? Whatever. Taking Pepper Spray to Europe IS NOT a good idea! Is Pepper Spray Legal? - Fair Punishment For example there are versions containing chemicals illegal in germany because they are newer than the animal protection laws preventing animal tests needed for approval On the other hand pepper sprays for use against humans have clear regulations regarding the used chemicals (no permanent damage) and the sprayer (limited range and limited time/amount of chemicals delivered with a single use) to be approved. Would that not be tie ideal outcome from an attack irrespective weather or not you are made or female? Take a look here. Legality of Pepper Spray. Megan, Assault is a very rear crime in most of Western Europe, so much so that it is likely to make the front page of the newspapers on a slow day. By the time the sports segment starts I've packed, cleaned up the kitchen mess, and walked out to the road. In the Netherlands pepper spray is illegal for civilians to own and carry. Asylum seekers (of the muslim variety) are famous for their unbridled desire for rape of white women. CS, CR, PAM (), and (rarely) CN are also legal and highly popular. In August, German police employed batons, pepper spray and water cannons against a group of eco-zealots as they staged a sit-down protest on a major railway supply line in Hamburg. by Dan Stadler. It sounded like a good idea to bring it with me, but I guess not. Wear a moneybelt if it gives more confidence/reassurance. Any adult can go into a store and purchase pepper-spray. Knife crime in UK cities is out of control and the police can not change that. In Hungary, pepper spray is reserved for law enforcement (including civilian members of the auxiliary police); civilians may carry canisters filled with maximum 20 grams of any other lachrymatory agent. I would like the opportunity to protect my family in my house if we were attacked. Thats pretty much correct, its sold as Tierabwehrspray, although I dont know whether DM stocks it. If you already have one which doesn't have any of the mentioned labels please be aware that the police (if they stop you randomly) will file a charge for owning a forbidden weapon. I will stop posting from now on and just go with the flow. Something about this just doesn't kinda read quite right? Fact or Fiction: Owning Pepper Spray Is ILLEGAL - The Reeves Law Group By Jim Dwyer. This project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 743420. Only likelihood of it is much smaller outside of the USA. It is completely legal to possess and carry pepper spray, tear gas spray, or any other conventional self-defense spray in the state of North Carolina. Pepper Sprays are legal in Germany but require a "kleiner Waffenschein". of agent. Sprays intended for use against humans are banned weapons, because German law has created a "Catch 22" type situation with regards to licensing OC as an irritant agent for private use. There are some concerns as to whether it is legal to 'use' in Northern Ireland.- you can own the spray but you may possibly be breaking the Northern Ireland laws if you actually use it . Please assign a menu to the primary menu location under. Is Pepper Spray Legal In PA - Fair Punishment ehh - one correction here. The use of both against people in an act of self defense is, like u/MisterMysterios and u/Ooops2278 said, allowed and you won't be charged but if the police/district attorney don't see a act of self defense you will be charged of dangerous bodily harm ("Gefhrliche Krperverletzung"), The use of both against people in an act of self defense is [] allowed and you won't be charged but if the police/district attorney don't see a act of self defense you will be charged of dangerous bodily harm ("Gefhrliche Krperverletzung"). The visible dye often takes at least 7 days to come off. Some American jurisdictions used to ban pepper sprays, and several still ban stun guns. There is a lot of discussion about the actual cause of death in these cases. Because of the strong effect authorities like (Federal) police or German armed forces rely on the use of pepper spray in dangerous situations. Muggers/robberschances are infinitesimally small and not likely. Pepper spray - Hitchwiki: the Hitchhiker's guide to Hitchhiking And I've only once ever been pickpocketed and even then all they got was a broken mobile phone! And, if I can't ever manage to go beyond the limits of my own home town, then I'll never go anywhere or do anything with my life, and I don't want that. For someone to buy pepper spray in New York, they have to be at least 18 years old. In Switzerland, Germany, and Portugal, pepper spray requires a license. However, if in the worst case scenario I were to get robbed (which isn't impossible, just not very likely if you travel smart and safe), I personally would just give the guy what he wants, get away with my life and make my way to the police. However if you use it in an emergency situation then you can always claim that it was being carried for use against dogs. If you are carrying pepper spray, then you can only have a container of less than 2.49 ounces. Carrying it at (or on the way to and from) demonstrationsmay still be punished. The purchaser also cannot have a record of assault or felony convictions in any state. Before buying pepper spray, purchasers have to fill out a form stating that they are of legal age and have a clean record. If they do, I'm heading to europe to squish in some hiking before she gets back - - I'm not sure exactly where I'll go. Quit worrying about the junk and concentrate on what you want to see. :) In all seriousness, take the necessary precautions to be safe, as you would anywhere. 12. It's easy! What ever you do, make sure you're in danger, not just someone you feel may be about to attack you. Yet you owned the gun illegally. I don't want to get raped or killed. It is classified in French law as a category 6 weapon. It doesn't require specialized training or holsters. The head of the FBI`s less-than-lethal weapons program at the time of the 1991 study, Special Agent Thomas W. W. Ward, was fired by the FBI and sentenced to two months in prison for receiving payments from a pepper spray manufacturer while he was conducting and writing the FBI study that eventually approved pepper spray for FBI use. Carrying it at (or on the way to and from) demonstrations may still be punished Sprays that are not labelled "animal-defence spray" or do not bear the test mark of the Materialprfungsanstalt (MPA, material testing institute) are classified as prohibited weapons. Turkey is overwhelmingly in Asia and one third of Istanbul is in Asia. SABRE Magnum 60 Pepper Spray, 15 Bursts, 12-Foot (4-Meter) Range, Large Europe has to protect itself against violent muslims and, if incapacitant agents work, OK. The second biggest ingredient is triple filtered water! Denmark legalized pepperspray in January 2019. Do not submit any personal or private information unless you are authorized and have voluntarily consented to do so. It says it's illegal to carry it concealed. Anything necessary to protect your life or protect you from harm is legal. It is an offense to use pepper spray on anyone for reasons other than self-defense. Pepper spray - Wikipedia So - basically - as long as you say after an attack that you have this because of your fear of animals, then you carried pepper spray legally and also used it in a legal way. I have a pepper spray bottle that's small and fits on my keychain. You are charged for the illegal possession of a handgun. The following is all you need to know about the legality regarding pepper spray in New York City. That is not to say that crime does not exist, but if you follow the tips given out here, you should be just fine. Arkansas: Pepper spray and gel canisters cannot exceed 150 cc or 5.07 fluid oz. Pepper Spray Laws By State in USA (2021) | COMIGHT You must only purchase pepper spray from a licensed firearms dealer. As I said (and subject to gideon's reservations about making absolutely sure the person is attacking you and you didn't forget your paranoia-pills that morning), I would find it absolutely amazing if a judge in a court hears your story about a rapist with a knife in his hand attacking you and put you in jail for repelling him with pepper spray. Whats the alternative to Legal Pepper Spray for fhe UK? - UK Preppers Guide I wrote it to let people see how easy things are. Whether such a spray is necessary depends on where you live, but if it gives you peace of mind go for the animal repellant. As the six o'clock news starts I call a taxi and start gnawing on a sandwich while fishing out a hunk of luggage. 94. You don't need to have a license to carry pepper spray, and as long as you are above 18 years old you can carry pepper spray on your person. EDIT: note that the writer of these lines know shit about law in Germany, so the judge might put you in jail anyways, despite my protests and deepest sympathies. I dont think that anyone should have to apply for a license to protect themselves with a non lethal tool. Defend yourself, stabbing crime goes crazy. Apparently attack alarms are about the size of a mobile phone now, so probably handbaggable. However, the police continues using guns as frequently as before, causing the Danish civil liberties organization KRIM to conclude that pepper spray has not displaced the use of guns but merely added to the arsenal of weapons of the police force. California: The pepper spray container must not exceed 2.49 ounces. using any means of self defence in case of an attack is legal. GRAFENWHR, Germany German laws allow you to wear certain forms of pepper spray, but army regulations prohibit you from putting it on the post. You are responsible for knowledge of and compliance with all Federal, State or local laws regarding the possession and transportation of firearms. So if someone steals your iPhone today, you won`t be able to spray it when you see it next week. Germans are increasingly buying self-defense products, according to a weapons industry group survey. In the United Kingdom, "Any weapon of whatever description designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or other thing" is a Prohibited Weapon, under S.5 of The Firearms Act 1968. In France trade is license-free and ownership is legal for those over 18 but carry can be punished with a fine depending from the quantity and concentration. No government should be allowed to diminish this. Police officers carry pepper spray as part of their standard equipment. The police cannot protect everyone from assault, so every law-abiding British citizen has the right and duty to protect themselves and their loved ones. In New York State, the buyer must be at least 18 years of age and cannot have an assault record or any felony convictions. Is pepper spray legal in Germany? : r/germany - reddit Thank you so much! The Draconian laws in the UK need changing,why not allow people a licenced carry maybe similar to a shotgun license where you do a course ( one day) over 18s of course which allows you to carry non lethal pepper spray for self defence? I have never been to Europe and the only thing I have to go on is those over exaggerated movies and the media. your most likely to be pickpocket so therefore pepper spray is useless in that case. Ha! Its non lethal and a deterrent. Go to England first, after a while you'll see how easy it is to get around, that fear of the unknown will dissipate. I did a quick search and couldn't find much on the Personal Attack Alarmas, but found a store which sells some other kind of spray which is (according to the store) legal for defence against humans in Germany. Yes. However it is legal to carry only those under 20 grams of payload, and NON-pepper ones. Regarding crime: Petty crime such as pickpocketing, your falling for scams, eg., "Do you speak English?" In 2009, the Swiss Armed Forces introduced the irritant atomizer 2000 (RSG-2000) for military personnel, which is introduced during surveillance functions. [deleted] 10 yr. ago . I just wondered if it was legal to use if necessary. Unlike self defense in most other countries, German self defense covers every means that is effective. The usage against other humans is just allowed if its because of self-defence or defence of a third person. I might be a bit extreme, but if I'm going out alone I usually take off around seven-thirty in the evening. I guess you could say that I am a real young person who's just starting out, and I never had any guidance on major events such as this. In the Czech Republic, Spain, Austria, Poland, Russia, possession is legal for most civilians. Whether such a spray is necessary depends on where you live, but if it gives you peace of mind go for the animal repellant. Ist Pfefferspray Legal in Deutschland - Snijderma Racial also plays a large factor too. ** SABRE pepper sprays are available in various sizes of containers, including mini and compact models designed to be conveniently attached to your keychain for easy access at a moment's notice. It's illegal to use the pepper spray against humans here. Megan You just need to get this first trip under your beltignore the scare stories (probably from people who have not traveledor are just paranoid) and just jump in. Personally, I try to stay away from anywhere that requires me to arrive "packin" a weapon. for those over 18 but carry can be punished with a fine depending on the quantity and concentration. I'm sitting here dorking around on the computer waiting for a couple of things to get taken care of. Fast Facts. German law somewhat bizarrely distinguishes between OC (pepper) spays intended for use against animals and sprays intended for use against humans. I guess I have a lot of research to do. I don't know if it still is, but the question was not out of place ( like some of the answers were). There are pepper sprays for use against animals, but the law is often not that clear. Believe it or not, pepper spray is legal in all 50 states. Pepper spray is completely legal to purchase in Mexico, and it can be found at large businesses and even in pharmacies. It is not life threatening like carrying a knife, or a gun, the knife crime in this country is so high now that I can not for the life of me think why having a pepper spray of some sort for self defense is illegal, My son was robbed at knife point, and beaten, carrying a can of pepper spray would make him and us, as parents feel safer, against criminals, I mean its not going to kill them but would maybe prevent an attack of any kind. But don't cross the border to cruelty against animals, that's illegal in Germany. The European Union does not regulate pepper spray, leaving member countries free to regulate it themselves. Pepper Spray Laws by State: A Simple Cheat Sheet With All You Need To Pepper spray is almost completely banned in the UK. Responsibilidad en Propiedades Pblicas y Privadas, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Defence spray works the same as pepper spray, but it does not contain any chili pepper and is completely legal. A French military aviator can roll in on the ranges at Cazaux with enough ordnance hanging to blow half of Bordeaux to kingdom come, but can't get his pistol out of the armory without a note from mommy, and can't have bullets for it unless he's flying out of the country. Containing a payload not exceeding 20 ml., with a percentage of Oleoresin Capsicum not exceeding 10% and a maximum concentration of capsaicin and capsaicinoid substances not exceeding 2,5%; Containing no flammable, corrosive, toxic or carcinogenic substances, and no other aggressive chemical compound than OC itself; Being sealed when sold and featuring a safety device against accidental discharge; Featuring a range not exceeding 3 metres. In Germany, they are about the only people allowed to carry it. Salt shakers are okay. Is pepper spray legal in Australia? - Public Order - Australia It works a lot better. You are going to leave your jewelry at home. In Italy, the Decree of the Ministry of Interior n103 dated May 12, 2011 removed all restrictions over private purchase, ownership and everyday carry by any citizen over 16 years of age without a criminal record of all and any OC-based compounds and personal defence devices that respond to the following criteria: In Iceland, possession of pepper spray is illegal for private citizens. Edit 2: For clarification: These animal sprays need to be labled as such not to require a type of arms license. Or print out the english version of the website that Genie posted, the translations brought tears to my eyes. Pepper spray is sold in Germany to anyone over the age of 18, as a defence against wild animals. While some have no restrictions on carrying pepper spray, others permit it with varying conditions. Carrying pepper spray while hiking illegal in Japan? - Law Stack Exchange Pepper spray must be allowed in uk. Is pepper spray legal in the UK? | Metro News And this is just me going to walk my dog and going to work nowhere else! Is Pepper Spray Legal in Australia? - Criminal Defence Lawyers Australia As someone else posted, the carrying or use of pepper spray is illegal in most European countries and those that allow it, only allow it for protection against dogs and bears. Therefore pepper spray is legal, however there are a couple of rules that you must follow. The biggest argument against legalising pepper spray seems to be that it could lead to people who are planning to assault women to use pepper spray to do further harm. Europe is generally quite safe, aside from the risks posed by pickpockets and other scammers. The proposal would allow residents to use pepper spray to protect themselves at home, for example to repel intruders. It's okay to carry this to the city, it's allowed, but pepper spray isn't. 2. Pepper Spray isn't human-friendly; bear spray is In 2016 police inDenmarksparked anger by warning a teenage girl that she faced prosecution for using pepper spray to fend off a sexual assault nearan asylum seekers center. However, there are so-called self-defense spays that are legal in the UK. Pepper spray is typically dispersed into the air as an aerosol or small particles in a liquid spray. Keep it and never alowed to Cary it unconcealed, or and under the influence of alcohol (straight yo prison for that) if you go out for a pint you need to leave ot home. In Switzerland, Germany and Portugal, pepper spray is allowed with a license. The supplier must have the know-how for the distribution of particularly dangerous chemicals. One place that pepper spray is not allowed is commercial airlines. I would find it hard to believe that a person cannot use whatever weapon he can put his hands on to defend himself from a potentially life-threatening situation, even at the risk of seriously injuring/killing the assailant. It's the only way self defense makes any sense. Usage against humans is legal. The regulations on this vary by country, and in some it's considered a prohibited weapon. But the army dudes wandering the airports tote full magazines. In Switzerland, pepper sprays are classified as a self-defence device (not a weapon) and can be carried by anyone. Just don't givr them any attention, period. Generally as an Alternative UK Legal Pepper Spray for self defence this product ticks all the boxes and is something to consider for all the family, especially . After 12 months of research on #funeraryarchaeology and #textiles in ancient #Nubia we are ready to sh, 1,2,3ready to start the workshop Funerary Textiles In Situ @PCMA_UW @EuroWeb4 #ancienttextiles #archaeology Thank you all for your help and advice! They concluded that the person`s weight is not scientifically sufficient to stop a person`s breathing with the rest of their body. The big old world is just too full of fearsome things for people like Megan. He must at least threaten you with violence. You are going to keep your passport, credit cards and money safe in a Money Belt. I want to be brave, strong, and experience the world. Laglig frsvarsspray | Michael Karnerfors The advantage here is, that it was developed for the use against animals (works for humans too) and is not mention in the german gun law so anyone of any age can carry it around. Is Pepper Spray Legal In NYC? - Fair Punishment Possession of pepper spray is not an offence In Nigeria - The Guardian Possession of this spray by persons other than Garda is an offence under the Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act, as the spray is legally classed as a firearm. IF (if!!!!!!) Pepper spray / mace - defence against dog attacks. Yet, what if I bought a bigger spray bottle and took it with me to Europe, would the airports allow me to take it with me? Pepper Spray and New York Law | Legal Beagle Pepper spray is legal with some restrictions. 12/10/2015. So you can't mace a drunk just because you feel insecure in his presence. Postal workers have the pepper spray because of danger from dog bites. We were all once novice travelers, too. I believe you can get it at the DM drugstore. Therefore, it is entirely legal to use pepper spray in appropriate situations throughout the United States, including in the act of self defense, however you must make sure that you follow . Mace Brand is actually a brand of pepper spray. Dagmar Breitenbach. While it may be under the 3 ounce limit, pepper spray is designed to incapacitate someone, which means it can't be on your body or in your carry-on bag. And when prosecuted its a very high percentage of immigrants being convicted for these crimes. However, there are certain cases where pepper spray has to remain concealed or is prohibited in various buildings and establishments. Additionally, any gas, powder, or liquid spray capable of hurting or immobilizing someone is prohibited. It is legal for adults over the age of 18 to carry pepper spray in the US, with some state and regional restrictions. Since I'm from Louisiana, I always bring a travel-sized bottle of Tabasco in my checked luggage. The "Kleiner Waffenschein" is only for carrying SRS-Waffen (blank, signal and pepper guns). Spray made with CS (tear gas) is illegal. Yes. If traveling via plane, you cannot carry mace or pepper spray in your pocket into the cabin of the plane with you. I think everything that is harming towards other persons is illegal in Germany. Your attitude is that of an Ill informed racist. Police also encourage vulnerable groups like pensioners and women to carry pepper spray. However, keep in . There must be demand for these items; otherwise the stores would not waste valuable shelf space on them. OC is not the only agent used. Anyone with an age of 14+ can legally carry these approved pepper sprays. If you poled all the people who write into this site, I would think you would be Very Pleasantly Surprised to hear how Few Problems have been had. Sprays intended for use against animals like the ones the postal workers carry aren't -- legally -- weapons at all but tools, and can therefore be owned and carried by anybody. Thats a big problem with preventative measures. The police also encourage vulnerable groups such as pensioners and women to wear pepper spray. The draconian laws in the UK need to be changed, why don`t you allow people to carry an authorized license, perhaps similar to a shotgun license, where you take an 18-year (one-day) course that allows you to wear a non-lethal pepper spray for self-defense?